E85... can I use it (safely) in my Hyundai?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dan K, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Dan K

    Dan K Guest

    I just heard a radio commertial saying E85 is now 30 to 60 cents a gallon
    cheeper than regular gasoline here in Minnesota, and its available at a fair
    number of service stations in my area. Can E85 be used in Hyundai's and in
    particular a 2002 XG350? If not, is there a level of ethonol that is
    acceptable? If so, does it do anything to the warrenty? If it can be used,
    I want to do it now while I'm still under warrenty.

    Thanks - Dan
    Dan K, Apr 8, 2005
  2. Dan K

    Heckle Guest

    What is E85?
    Heckle, Apr 9, 2005
  3. 15% Gasoline / 85% ethanol

    As Per my manual

    Hyundai Elantras sold in the US are not compatible with E85

    However they will run on 90% Gasoline / 10% ethanol
    Which is the standard down-state NY Gas Mixture, Since they banned MBTE in NYS. Both are used as oxygenate to combat smog & other pollution. You will get fewer MPG when using either ethanol blend.
    Andrew Cripps, Apr 9, 2005
  4. Hyundai's what? ('s is a possessive marker, not a plural marker.)

    I doubt it could be used without engine modifications. If the engine
    isn't designed to run on an 85% ethanol / 15% gasoline mixture, it won't
    perform very well at all, and the unsuitable fuel might cause expensive
    damage to hoses and engine parts. The engine and ECM in the XG350
    expect gasoline IIRC. You might want to grep your owner's manual for
    "FFV" though, just in case.
    See above. Also, http://www.e85fuel.com/faqs/ , one of the first 5
    hits when you Google://"E85" . HTH,
    Dances With Crows, Apr 9, 2005
  5. Dan K

    Old_Timer Guest

    No, E85 is not a suitable fuel for the XG.
    FWIW, cars that are manufactured to run on E85 will get far less MPG
    on the E85 than on regular gasoline so the 30-60 cents a gallon is not
    the price break one might be inclined to expect.

    Several years ago I drove a company car that was a "flexible fuel"
    vehicle and compared the fuel mileage using the regular gasoline and
    the 85% alcohol fuel. That vehicle gave me 20MPG on regular gasoline
    and 13MPG on the 85% alcohol fuel.

    Old_Timer, Apr 11, 2005
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