Elantra 30 thousand check up question

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Robert, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    My 2005 Elantra is 18 months old and due for its 30,000 miles check
    up. I have scheduled the check up for this friday April 6th.I don't
    have the manual with me, wife has the car. I read through it and
    there appears to only four or five items that require replacement such
    as air filter, trany fluid, anti freeze, etc. I plan to have the
    dealer do the work as they have done all the service in the past, ie.
    oil changes, warrantee work, tire rotation and balancing. If they
    want an arm and a leg then I will do them myself. The manual has a
    ton of other items that are to be inspected. My question is it normal
    for any of those items that are to be inspected to go bad, and if so
    are they normally covered under the warrantee. Secondly, is there a
    charge for the 30k check up and if so approx how much. I live in
    northeast Ohio and do a fair amount of freeway driving. I will ask
    the service manager these things but I respect the advice of those on
    the board.
    Thanks in advance, Bob
    Robert, Apr 3, 2007
  2. If you go to the HyundaiUSA web site you can view the manual.

    As for your second question, you probably will want a lubricant to ease the
    pain when you see the bill. Most dealers are not shy on that type of
    service. .
    Edwin Pawlowski, Apr 4, 2007
  3. Robert

    hyundaitech Guest

    Whether the items checked will be warrantable if repair is needed will
    depend on what they are. Most maintenance items and wearable components
    will not be covered. Most other items will be covered.
    hyundaitech, Apr 4, 2007
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