Elantra Rocker Panel Dent(s)

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Don Allen, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. Don Allen

    Don Allen Guest

    I waxed our new 2006 Elantra GLS yesterday for the first time since the
    purchase in late December. And, I was chagrined to find "crease dents"
    beneath the rocker panel on both sides of the car. Each of the "V-type"
    dents are perpendicular to the rocker seam, and almost alinged with the
    center rust-proofing plug, just slightly forward of B pillar. The one
    on the driver's side is more prevalent (and deep) than the one on the
    passenger's side. There is no evidence of paint damage on either rocker

    Obviously, I was sincerely disappointed and concerned on how this could
    have happened. One starts to "brainstorm" on the possibilities, such as
    "did the dealer mess up placing the car on the lift, or . . .?" In my
    case, the car has only been to the dealer once after delivery due to a
    fraying power steering drive belt, which they changed from underneath
    the car. Thus, my obsession with the possible hydraulic lift theory.

    Well, guess what? I just returned from the dealer and inspected 1 used
    2005 Elantra GLS and 6 new 2006 Elantra GLS's on the lot (only 1
    hatchback 5 speed BTW) - and, ALL have the same dent in each rocker
    panel! Big surprise . . . my guess is the jig that punches the holes
    for the rustproofing must fit "a bit too tightly against the rocker"
    during the manufacturing process.

    Certanly, I'm releived that it seems to be normal, but also a bit
    befuddled. This is only specific to the current generation Elantra, and
    not any other of the Hyundai sedan products, as I checked them all this
    evening - even including the previous generation Accent and Sonata.

    So, I guess we Elantra owners have dents supplied as standard equipment
    with our new car. That's one way of eliminating the anxiety of getting
    your first parking lot ding! At least you almost have to stand on your
    head to notice them.
    Don Allen, Apr 23, 2006
  2. Don Allen

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Are you sure that isn't an intentional crease stamped in to stiffen that
    part of the panel? I really doubt that this many cars would have the
    exact same "defect".

    Matt Whiting, Apr 23, 2006
  3. Don Allen

    Don Allen Guest


    Good question . . . I posted essentially the same query on Edmonds.com
    Elantra forum, and it appears that it's only present on the 2005 and
    2006 Elantra. One poster who owns a 2004 Elantra GT doesn't have them.
    And, another who owns a 2005 does! Since I bought our Elantra from a
    dealer in a Chicago suburb (Downers Grove), and we live 150 miles south
    of there, it doesn't appear to be specific to only one dealer's stock.
    The dealer I checked yesterday is our "local" dealer and all of his
    2005 and 2006 inventory had the "dents."

    I'm going to ask the dealer this week about this. It will be
    interesting to see what they say.
    Don Allen, Apr 23, 2006
  4. Don Allen

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I personally believe from what you have described that this is a design
    element, not an accidental dent. Then again, I have a Sonata and
    haven't looked closely at an Elantra. However, true defects, other than
    design defects, are never this uniformly occuring over such a wide range
    of samples.

    Matt Whiting, Apr 23, 2006
  5. Don Allen

    Don Allen Guest


    They're not design elements as the dent severity varies from sample to
    sample. And, from some answers to my query on Edmonds.com, it seems
    that only the '05 and '06 Elantras have them. The '04 and earlier model
    years do not.

    OTOH, I don't think it's an accidental dent either. In each case, the
    dent lines up with the center-most plastic plug on the underneath side
    of the rocker panel. These plugs are similar to those that Zeibart
    uses to cover holes drilled for rustproofing. I wonder if the '04 and
    earlier Elantra's had these? And, I also wonder if this is done at
    port, rather than at the factory.

    Since the position of the dent, not the severity, is exactly in the
    same location on the right and left side rocker, it leads me to believe
    it's caused by some tool jig, possibly used for punching (or, drilling)
    the holes.

    I just find it hard to believe that Hyundai would deliver cars this
    way, so I will be very interested to see what the local dealer says
    this week.

    Don Allen, Apr 23, 2006
  6. Don Allen

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Is the paint damaged? I can't believe they would be punching holes in
    the sheet metal after the car was painted. If the paint isn't damaged,
    what is the problem? Are these dents easily visible?

    Matt Whiting, Apr 23, 2006
  7. Don Allen

    Don Allen Guest


    No -- absolutely no paint damage. No problem other than the
    realization that the dents are present - certainly more mental
    OCD-based than anything!

    And, yes, the dents are easily visible when you look underneath the
    rocker panel. Plus, if you view the rocker from the side from a 10
    foot distance or so, you can see the edge of the dent as well.

    It's no major problem of course, but I'm just wondering "why"? Maybe
    Hyundaitech will have an answer?
    Don Allen, Apr 23, 2006
  8. Don Allen

    hyundaitech Guest

    No answer from me. I could provide some speculation, but you and Matt have
    done a good job with that already.
    hyundaitech, Apr 24, 2006
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