ETAC Module prob in 02 hyundai

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by arrowmaker, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. arrowmaker

    arrowmaker Guest

    My girlfriend has an 02 Hyundai XG350 that is having electrical problems.
    Started out with having the electric windows slide down by themselves while
    the car was shut off. Or the doors would lock and unlock by themselves. She
    would start the car in the morning afternoon and night after it sat for hours,
    no problems until recently. We drove the car to a restaurant, came out and
    the battery was dead.

    I was able to jump start the car, and it charged back up. The car then sat
    for a day without operation, next time going to start it started right away.
    I took it to an autoparts store to check the battery. They put a load tester
    on it and said it was fine. I mentioned the recent events that cause for
    concern. Someone suggested it might be a small computer glitch that was
    causing an excessive draw on the battery while at rest. Said to disconnect
    the battery from the terminals for a half hour. When put back on this would
    reset the computer. Tried this but did not solve the problem. Girlfriend
    mentioned that she had a new alternator and battery put in by Hyundai dealer
    3 months ago. She dropped the car off and rented a car for commuting.
    Hoping that this was a warranty related issue and would be resolved soon.

    Hyundai called and said that she had to pay them 175.00 for a diagnosis. We
    decided to take a risk thinking that they would fix it. They called back and
    said that it was the ETAC module for the keyless entry system. The module
    experienced a failure and was draining the battery while the car is shut off.
    It would take a few days for the part to come in cost of part is $415.00 and
    labor $155.00. Between diagnosing,parts and labor and rental car fees she
    was looking at close to a $1000.00. She isn't in a position right now to
    aford this so I put a battery disconnect switch on it.

    Headache seemed to be taken care of until yesterday when she left the switch
    connected all day and then started again for a short drive and shut it off.
    This killed the battery. Tried jumping it with a jump box and also my truck.
    Interior and panel lights came on but engine could not turn over. Getting
    another battery is still cheaper than the other costs but I would like to
    have a solution to right the problem totally.

    Any comments or input would really be appreciated.

    arrowmaker, Aug 15, 2007
  2. arrowmaker

    ufmbagrad Guest

    I ran into something similar and posted a new thread. If your could
    gather your support on what all has happened and contact the Hyundai
    customer service hotline. The person I spoke with was Angie at
    1-800-633-5151 ext. 54234. They will give you a case number and
    start an investigation for you.

    Good luck

    ufmbagrad, Sep 13, 2007
  3. I appreciate your reply and may have to use that customer service number
    myself. As of now to update you on what the situation with us is. We had to
    have Hyundai go ahead and do the ETAC module replacement work last month.
    The problem seemed to have been solved until recently this past weekend. I
    went to start the car and ran into the similiar symptoms.

    1. Put the key in the ignition and turned it, instrument panel lit up and
    flashers turned on by themselves.
    2. No response from starter. She was able to start the car later in the day
    on the first try.
    3. Went to the store, came out after an hour or so and the electric windows
    went down by themselves while she had been inside. When she tried to restart
    the car was hesitant on the first couple tries.
    4. Now she's got a rental car again since we had it towed to the dealership
    to follow up on the ETAC replacement that had been done last month. I would
    like to think that they will resolve the problem for free seing that work
    done a month ago should be warranted. But I have yet to hear any feed back
    on it.
    5. Thankyou for responding and providing that number to call for help with
    this thing. How are things going for you now that you are @ about the same
    stage as me?
    arrowmaker via, Sep 13, 2007
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