For over a year now my Elantra has run flawlessly, started every time. I've tolerated the 65mph vibration plague, the 21mpg in town, the slow 1- 2 gear shifting automatic, skipping cd's, because it just seems to be a good basic but cheap car, and I saved several thousand over the Corolla or Civic I was initially going to buy. Also wound up buying my wife a '07 Tucson a few months later after I bought mine, for a really good deal. First Hyundai's. But now I'm getting concerned about the future. Took it in to the dealer for it's second oil change and to check a clicking sound that was coming from the rear brake area. It has 5300 miles on it. After a couple of hours shopping I went back to check on the car. The service person told me the rear brakes were worn out, and it would be $287.50 to fix them, as the 1 year warranty had run out. After a low-key but very serious discussion of what the heck are brakes doing wearing out at 5000 miles, would I be doing this every 5000 miles, is it normal, then management consulted, no situation change. I told them forget it, put the car back together, and I was going to write Hyundai. I did get the oil changed though at least. I've rarely used the emergency brake in the flatland here, it doesn't seem tight or draggy, and I don't do any drifting as I'm an old fart. :) Monday I'm going to take it to a garage nearby and ask them to evaluate and if cheaper than the dealer, fix the brakes. Any suggestion on what brand/type of shoes to use that might last longer? Also is it Hyundai of America I write to, any specific address? I'm concerned for the future as my previous three Toyotas and Honda's, all had over 50,000 miles on them(two over 80,000) and I never had to replace any brakes, only batteries and one repair between the three. I know I've had a long run of very good luck with virtually no car problems, and was hoping it would continue with the Hyundai's. Thanks for any info!