Front wheel

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dullap, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Dullap

    Dullap Guest

    During the yesterday's slippery rush hour my son hit the front right
    wheel to curb so hard that now is no longer parallel with the other
    one, but at about 10 degrees, facing outside.
    Is this a very complicated repair, would it require a computer to
    re-align the wheels? Does it have to be at a dealership?


    Dullap, Feb 13, 2008
  2. Dullap

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Any alignment shop can do the alignment if that's all that is wrong. Only
    way to tell if there is more damage is to take it in. A simple alignment
    around here is around $40 for the front end, but price depends greatly on
    where you live and where you take it.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 13, 2008
  3. No one can truly assess the damage until it is seen up close. It may be a
    simple re-alignment that any tire shop or body shop can do at reasonable
    price. Figure $50 to $75. It is, however, possible that other damage was
    done so get it to a shop as soon as you can. No, you don't have to take it
    to a dealer.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Feb 13, 2008
  4. Dullap

    hyundaitech Guest

    From your description, it sounds like more than an alignment issue; the
    suspension has been somehow damaged. 10 degrees is quite a significant
    amount as far as alignments go.

    You should have the car checked by a good suspension shop. This could
    include your dealer, but may not.
    hyundaitech, Feb 13, 2008
  5. Dullap

    nothermark Guest

    Check the wheel also. If he hit hard enough to bendthe suspension the
    rim is also bent.
    nothermark, Feb 14, 2008
  6. Dullap

    Dullap Guest

    according to the bill the mechanic fixed the following:
    -replace the R/O Tierode NDI P/L (no idea what that is!)
    -wheel alignment
    -rotate/balance tires

    The car behaves well now, I took it for a ride on the highway it
    rides smoothly.
    The whole repair was about 300 bucks.
    Dullap, Feb 19, 2008
  7. Translation: Right Outer tie rod, Non-Destructive Inspection (?), Parts
    and Labor
    Brian Nystrom, Feb 23, 2008
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