Fuel filter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by taters2, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. taters2

    taters2 Guest

    The book says to remove back seat and un hook the fuel pump, The mechanic
    just cracked the connections on filter and let it bleed the pressure
    off.Why not just remove the pump fuse and start the car?
    taters2, Sep 30, 2006
  2. taters2

    Bob Guest

    The mechanic didn't read the procedure. It says to disconnect the fuel tank
    pump power connector (they are not real clear that they're talking about the
    pump power connector, but there's pictures). Then start the engine and let
    it run until it stalls. This clears most of the fuel without filling the
    trunk, and nooks and crannies around the tank with fuel.
    You could remove the fuse, but you're gonna have to remove the connector
    Bob, Sep 30, 2006
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