
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eric G., Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Eric G.

    Eric G. Guest

    I can't seem to find the thread on this from my machine here, but as
    promised, these are the best gloves IMO to use for your automobile work.

    I'm pretty sure that anyone can order from them (Lab Safety), but not 100%
    sure. If not, or even if you can, they can probably be found cheaper
    somewhere on the Internet.

    Good luck.
    Eric G., Feb 21, 2006
  2. Eric G.

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Thanks Eric.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 21, 2006
  3. Eric G.

    Eric G. Guest

    You're welcome. Just to add, I cehcked the last invoice we have here at
    work, and we only paid $12/box. So we may be getting some kind of company
    discount here or something, but the receipt doesn't really show that.

    Eric G., Feb 21, 2006
  4. Eric G.

    Don Allen Guest

    I've used Nitrile gloves for auto work for a number of years. I'm
    located in Illinois and purchase mine at a local Blain's Farm & Fleet
    store. Farm & Fleet is a Wisconsin-based company with 33 stores in
    Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. Their stores are sort of a combination
    Wal-Mart and Home Depot - without the lumber - with a farming bent!
    They have an excellent auto and tire department. But, the Nitrile
    gloves - the SyrVet brand - are available in their Animal Husbandry
    Department (yep, along with the vet meds and milking supplies!). Price
    is around $10 for a box of 100.
    Don Allen, Feb 21, 2006
  5. Eric G.

    Eric G. Guest

    That does seem a bit more reasonable than the $28 they are showing on the
    web site I posted. Thanks.

    Eric G., Feb 21, 2006
  6. Eric G.

    RSCamaro Guest

    More reasonable is the word. I get mine through Grainger for $10-$13
    for a box of 100. The $13 ones are better than the $10 variety as they
    usually will take a better beating than the cheaper ones.

    RSCamaro, Feb 21, 2006
  7. Eric G.

    nothermark Guest

    Nitrile gloves are prety common. Try any medical, laboratory, or
    cleaning supply company. Food handlers may have them too if you live
    in a state with a glove law for food handlers.
    nothermark, Feb 22, 2006
  8. Eric G.

    1 Guest

    You can also buy them at some grocery stores and Wal-mart. they come
    in packs of 10 for less than $2. Good for the weekend mechanic.
    1, Feb 23, 2006
  9. Eric G.

    news Guest

    You can also buy them at some grocery stores and Wal-mart. they come

    hey, good old Wal-Mart!
    what section?
    I must have missed it, I thought I knew just about every isle.
    I was just looking at eBay, but after shipping, they don't seem as cheap.

    I've been using regular medical clear ones, but they tear easily.
    news, Feb 23, 2006
  10. Eric G.

    1 Guest

    At our local one they had them in the mops and brooms section. $1.34 a
    pack. That's where all the cleaning gloves were.
    1, Feb 26, 2006
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