Hi! I have an opportunity to buy the mentioned car for a good price. I have had a contact with Hyundai back in the ninetieths (Pony GL) an remember it as a car that served our family quite well for few years. Well I'm interested what are your experiences with this car. I really like it on the exterior, but I'm concerned about the quality and durability of the engines. (Now I'm driving VW T4 Caravelle from 1994 and it's serving me well but since I'm a bit in the tourism, driving guests it's kind of becoming a problem - 17years old car in front of a 5 star hotel :eek: I'm a mild tempered driver and I don't do more then 20000km a year. So what are your suggestions, buy or not, what should I check before buying? Thank you very much! Jeronim (Zagreb, Croatia)