
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tunez1, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. tunez1

    tunez1 Guest

    Just bought an XG350l and was wondering if there was a news group just for
    them or if you could post a message here ? I have read thru all the mesages
    here and havnt seen one post about an XG350, is it because they have no
    problems ( hahahaha ) or am I just in the wrong group...... I havnt had any
    mechanical problems as of yet but did have to have all the chrome on the
    drivers side replaced all the way around the windows because it was
    tarnished. Its a true PLEASURE to drive this car especially because my
    truck I traded ( 03 Dodge Ram Quad Cab with 5.9 ) only got 9 miles to the
    gallon on a good day. I dont se how they can sell a car like the XG350L for
    the price they do with all it comes with ..
    Thanks Hank
    tunez1, Sep 29, 2005
  2. tunez1

    GeoUSA Guest

    Hi, Hank. Glad to hear you are enjoying your new XG350 L! This public
    newsgroup is for all Hyundai's -- your XG included. I have read that
    some Dodge pickups have low mpg, but 9? Ouch!

    I can not say that we have a lot of XG350 owners either, but I hope you
    will consider joining the HyundaiExchange forum at

    One thought about protecting your new chrome... I wax mine when I wax
    the rest of the car (spring and fall). It needs protection just as the
    paint does. I also wax the headlights (but not with a cleaner wax that
    might be abrasive) to help prevent the plastic lenses from fogging or
    hazing. I think plastic headlight covers have improved in recent
    years, but waxing them is good insurance.

    GeoUSA, moderator,
    GeoUSA, Sep 29, 2005
  3. The lack of XG350 questions is probably due to a couple of factors that
    are common to "luxury" cars in general: A) They arent' sold in as large
    numbers as their less expensive brethren. B) Their owners are less
    likely to do their own maintenance and more likely to just "let the
    dealer handle it".
    Brian Nystrom, Sep 29, 2005
  4. tunez1

    tunez1 Guest

    Yeah Probably the biggest reason is I live in Las Vegas, when I moved here
    in 01 I could drive the length of the strip in about 20 minutes, NOW you
    sometimes sit at a light for 20 minutes the traffic has quaqdrupled since I
    moved here.... I averaged 9 - 10 in city driving and went on a trip to
    Houston last summer and belive it or not I averaged almost 13 !!!!

    The Chrome was a differant story, the tarnish peoblem was not there when I
    test drove the car but it seemed to appear after they put the desert
    protection on it a few days later, but it was weird it only happen on the
    chrome on the drivers side and no-place else on the car ...go figure ...OH
    BTW the car was only 1 week old and as of right now is 2 months old and I
    have almost 1100 miles on it ( hahahahaha ) dont drive much.

    I also do the chrome when I wax but I use chrome polish back in New York I
    also waxed all the windows except the front window.

    Thanx for the quick response and I will visit your forum
    tunez1, Sep 29, 2005
  5. tunez1

    tunez1 Guest

    Well Brian I usually did all my own maintenance untill they started to gang
    up on us backyard mechanics with all thier new technology. Mine stopped
    when I bought a 92' chevy van and pulled the doghouse off one time, I just
    sat there and stared at the engine and said " damn if I pull a vaccum hose
    by mistake Ill never figure out where it goes !!!" It was an 8 cylinder and
    I could only see 4 plugs !!! A short time later I found out you took 4 out
    from the top and 4 out from the bottom while on a lift !! And a short time
    after that the van went down the highway . So even though it sometimes costs
    an arm and a leg I let the KNOWHOW guys do it cause in the longrun its worth
    it. If they break it they have to fix it, not me
    tunez1, Sep 29, 2005
  6. Well, I guess you've made my point. BTW, it wasn't meant as a criticism,
    just an observation.

    I still do virtually all of my own work, as it's cheaper, faster and I
    know what's been done, how it was done and whether the mechanic has any
    idea of what he's doing. ;-)

    Today's cars are still quite serviceable by DIY types like me; you just
    have to learn a bit more about them than you did "way back when".
    Brian Nystrom, Sep 30, 2005
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