Considering a Platinum HPP warranty. Looks like pretty good protection for 10/100K. I have been looking thru the contract and found one area of concern under Exclusions: #17) BURNT VALVES, WARN PISTONS, THE CORRECTION OF OIL CONSUMPTION, ANY REPAIRS FOR REDUCTION IN ENGINE EFFICIENY THAT MUST BE PERFORMED ON THE COVERED VEHICLE. This sounds like a pretty BIG exclusion since so may cars have issues over time with sudden oil consumption. I had such an issue at 80K with our 06 RAV...fixed under my Toyota Platinum Plus...something to do with pistons...thats why this caught my eye...the darn thing came back 80K later and now I am adding a quart every 1K while my daughter uses the car. I was happy it was covered the first time but pretty upset it came back a second. Now we have a 2016 Tucson turbo, good gas etc., no issues thus far. We decided to keep her another 5 years and were considering the HPP for $1400. If it does not cover this stuff...whats the point. At least Toyota's extended care (which cost a lot less) covered it once! Thoughts....this is our first Hyundai and I do not think they even make the turbo any more...any comments on this exclusion, what it means...what causes the issue etc will be appreciated.