Hyundai accent 1.3 1999 "T" reg engine noises

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Jamie21, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. Jamie21

    Jamie21 Guest

    recently noticed my accent started making a rattling sound when started,
    lasted all of 3 seconds then dissapeared. Decided to have it serviced and
    have the cam belt replaced and it was better for about a week. Now ive
    noticed it has come back and sometimes lasts longer i.e 20/30 seconds,
    doesnt happen everytime you start it though and doesnt matter if its hot
    or cold. any ideas?
    Jamie21, Apr 6, 2006
  2. Jamie21

    jimmyh Guest

    sound like you got a lifter going bad
    jimmyh, Apr 18, 2006
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