HYUNDAI ELANTRA BATTERIES: Hard To Find Outside of Dealers -- Where They Are EXPENSIVE And "Special

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by John Fartlington Poopnagel, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. AND THEY'RE almost impossible to replace and service!

    Hyundai DOESN'T want you even try to:

    1) Check the fluid level in the cells.

    2) Check the body and terminals for corrosion.

    3) Remove the old battery and install a new one.

    These tasks are almost impossible for the average motorist BECAUSE THE
    BATTERY SITS IN AN ENCLOSED, SEALED CASE! You can't see much less
    inspect the cell fluid levels. And half of the bolts under the hood
    on the driver's side have to be removed to free-up the battery.

    See, Hyundai wants you to go to a HYUNDAI DEALER, where a battery
    costs $90, plus up to $50 more to install it. And at most Hyundai
    dealers I know, you have to leave your car for an entire day -- then
    hope it's ready when you return in the late afternoon or early

    "Aw, we're sorry, but you see we got real busy and couldn't get to
    yours. But tomorrow!"

    AdvanceAuto Parts, AutoZone, Olympic Auto Parts, and Batteries Plus
    sell the same battery for $52 to $69, some including free

    Only problem? They can't get a sufficient supply of them to keep 'em
    in stock!

    And that's what your conniving, inscrutable Hyundai folks want -- to
    force you to spend more on a new battery than a normal car owner would
    expect. Parts companies list the Elantra batteries as "special." And
    that they are!

    Additionally, the OWNER'S MANUAL has neither a diagram or instructions
    for accessing and servicing your Hyundai Elantra battery. Just a one-
    paragraph entry that says, in effect, Be careful when servicing the

    I've had my 2004 Elantra GLS for 3 years and the battery is already
    shot. Needless to say, with problems also with the air bags, brakes,
    power locks, and engine noise and vibration, I've bought my last
    Hyundai product!

    My advice to Hyundai? Hold up on building those factories in the
    U.S. Too many one-time customers could make for sluggish, then
    anemic, sales.
    John Fartlington Poopnagel, Aug 14, 2007
  2. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    irwell Guest

    I agree with most of what you say.

    I still have the original factory oem battery in my
    2001 Elantra. It has run down a couple of times, mostly when
    left for two weeks without starting in airport parking lots.

    I invested in an emergency back up starter/battery combo for about
    $40, mainly because we get power outages with winter storms, and
    coupled with a cheap inverter we can at least have a radio and small
    lamp lit.
    I keep it in the car and have had to use it once so far, one day I
    will have to replace the car battery, either at the dealer, or take
    measurements and see what Kragens have.
    irwell, Aug 14, 2007
  3. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    Khaj Guest

    I changed battery on my Hyundau Elantra. I bought it from CostCo for
    $50 or less and replaced it myself in 30 minutes. The challenge is
    gettinf rid of the old battery.
    Khaj, Aug 14, 2007
  4. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    hyundaitech Guest

    I missed the part about being hard to find in the previous post. A 24F
    battery fits perfectly. When we run out of factory replacement
    (Interstate with a Hyundai sticker) batteries, our local AC-Delco supplier
    doesn't let us down.
    hyundaitech, Aug 14, 2007
  5. Not arguing with you, Mr. HyundaiTech (I'm not that stupid). But maybe you
    can help clarify something.

    I own both a Kia and a Hyundai. For my Sedona ('04), the battery
    replacement books DO list a 24F size as a listed and acceptable replacement
    for that battery.

    But NOT for the Hyundai Elantra (mine is an '02). In two stores (one of
    which is an AutoZone), the only listing for the Elantra is for a special
    battery which is listed as either 24F-H or 24F-7H. In the few stores where
    I have actually been able to find this particular battery (and only one
    battery in one of each of the two stores), this battery looks as different
    from the 24F as different can be.

    Whassup with that? Does this sound right (read, "Am I making sense here?")?
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Aug 15, 2007
  6. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    Vic Garcia Guest

    Just replaced my wife 02 Elantra battery, about a month ago.
    My local AutoZone carry all 3 types, 24F, 24F-7H and 24F-7H-DL, the 24F
    was exactly like the original one, the others were larger (1/4", 3/4")
    than the original, but still fit OK.

    I went for the biggest one (24F-7H-DL) since for only $10 more it was
    more powerful and longer reserve. Any one will do, it's your choice.
    Vic Garcia, Aug 15, 2007
  7. I have an 01 elantra and had the same issue finding a battery that fit
    perfectly. I'm currently using a Duralast 47-DL from autozone (was about
    $60). It's 590 CCA and fits nicely into the existing battery tie-down

    Just another option.

    Richard Dreyfuss, Aug 15, 2007
  8. Somehow, I seemed to remember that a couple of stores listed a 47 number.

    Sears has a strange number listing in their "International" section for the
    Elantra. It is a good fit, but horribly expensive.

    But if the 24F works, that would be the way to go.

    My question is, since books sometimes list three or four different number
    possibilities for a battery replacement for some cars, why is the basic 24F
    not even listed? There has to be a reason - virtually no store out there
    lists it.
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Aug 16, 2007
  9. Agreed - whoever had my car ('01 Elantra) before me replaced the
    battery at Costco; perhaps they have them in better supply than most
    Matthew Fedder, Aug 16, 2007
  10. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    hyundaitech Guest

    Most Hyundai batteries (for whatever reason) are the 24F size from the
    factory. They have one replacement for the Accent/Elantra (don't know the
    group number) and the 24F for most of the other vehicles. The fact that
    the Elantra original battery is the same size as the larger vehicle
    original batteries is how I know that the 24F will work. In fact, for
    customer pay repairs, I use the larger battery since we charge the same
    price for it.
    hyundaitech, Aug 16, 2007
  11. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    Jr Guest

    Have 2002 Elantra and just purchased and installed Duralast 47-DL battery
    at Autozone in Chicago suburbs for $74.99. No problem in finding it in
    nor in installing it. The positive terminal connector is unique but sure
    does the
    job, had no corrosion with the old battery. The old battery was the
    original and
    car was purchased in April 2002, thus it was over 5 years old and still
    fine but I figured better to replace considering the age.
    Jr, Aug 16, 2007
  12. Thanx for the info. But my question still stands. Most of these battery
    "replacement guide" books are pretty generic, and for some, list three and
    four sizes for different cars, only one (if that) which was the original.

    I am yet to see a replacement guide book list the basic 24F for the Elantra.
    My question is, "Why not?"
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Aug 16, 2007
  13. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    hyundaitech Guest

    The problem is, I can't say. I'm supposing some parts guru studies the
    car, its battery, and the space available; then he decides what's the
    appropriate thing to fit in there. On the other hand, they could simply
    be working off dimensions supplied by Hyundai.

    Actually, I just replaced one of these about an hour ago. Battery was
    almost 5 years old. The Sonata factory replacement (24F) fit like a
    hyundaitech, Aug 16, 2007
  14. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    Deck Guest

    I bought mine at costco, and they topok the old one,,,Walmart also has them
    and they take the old one!
    Deck, Aug 17, 2007
  15. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    zonie Guest

    Costco will take it back. Scott
    zonie, Aug 17, 2007
  16. All the comments about Hyundai batteries are appreciated here.
    I read the messages on Aug 15th and now on Aug 17th it turns out that
    I need a battery for Sonata 2005.

    I went to Auto Zone nearby and purchased one of their 24F batteries.
    It fit right in with no difficulty at all.
    The salesperson helped me to put in.
    All we needed was a 10mm inch 'box wrench' and a 12mm socket wrench
    with a long extension.

    Something puzzles me about battery failures.
    Mine failed completely.
    Gave no warning at all.
    Put a charger on it for 1 hr and 40 minutes but the battery was still

    In years past I recall that when batteries failed they would take a
    partial charge so that you could start the car and then get a
    replacement battery somewhere.

    Today I used a 'jump start' unit with its own built-in battery.
    It allowed me to start the car and go purchase the replacement

    Sonata driver, Aug 17, 2007
  17. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    Oleg Lego Guest

    Not specifically Hyundai, but I thought you might enjoy this...

    Earlier this year, my Ford F-150 suffered an alternator failure, which
    went unnoticed until I couldn't start it. I charged the battery
    overnight, and tried driving the car to the dealership (about 30 miles
    on the highway and then through town). I only got about 10 miles
    before the whole thing died again.

    I called a friend, and he came to give me a boost. We ended up driving
    back to his place, where we picked up a battery charger and his small
    1200 watt Honda generator. We put the charger under the hood, ran an
    extension cord back to the truck box, and plugged it into the Honda

    When I pulled into the dealership service bay and shut the Ford off,
    the fellow walking up to greet me stopped, looking a little puzzled.
    He asked what was running, and I showed him. He got a big laugh out of

    That little problem taught me not to jump-start my diesel tractor with
    the Ford running, a method I used all winter.
    Oleg Lego, Aug 17, 2007
  18. John Fartlington Poopnagel

    hyundaitech Guest

    It all depends on the problem with the battery. If there gets to be an
    actual open circuit, you won't even be able to charge the battery. I had
    a similar experience with the battery in my last car.
    hyundaitech, Aug 17, 2007
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