Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mykeymykey01, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. mykeymykey01

    mykeymykey01 Guest

    There is no cooler tech than Hyundaitech. Who is this
    tech of mystery? This tech can leap accent engines
    in a single bound! faster than a volkswagon sorroco,
    more powerful than a speeding lincoln continental.
    This tech answers questions that no other tech
    knows how to answer. Thanks again, my hats
    off to you Hyundaitech where ever, whoever you are.
    (give this tech a raise)
    mykeymykey01, Oct 27, 2006
  2. mykeymykey01

    Bob Adkins Guest

    HT makes me wonder why ALL CAR MANUFACTURERS don't have online tech's
    for each model. It could save the manufacturers, dealers, and
    customers so many headaches!

    Bob Adkins, Oct 30, 2006
  3. Consumerism aside They're in business to make MONEY..........
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Oct 30, 2006
  4. mykeymykey01

    Andre Guest

    I must agree with Mykey, that Hyundaitech absolutely ROCKS.

    thanks for all the help and advice.
    Andre, Oct 30, 2006
  5. True. That is why having a tech to answer questions is a good thing. I'm
    more likely to buy from a manufacturer that supports their product than one
    who does not.

    Only time will tell if I'll continue to be a happy Hyundai owner (it is only
    6 weeks), but I know that GM's (lack of) support cost them a sale.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Oct 31, 2006
  6. We are most lucky to have hyundaitech as a resource and it would be a
    blessing to have this resource for other makes and models. No sweat
    off many manufacturers if you spend your work day sitting in their
    service dept waiting room trying to diagnose your vehicle at X$ per
    hour. Point here is that customer service as a whole has gone down the
    crapper and its due to MONEY..................Doc
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Oct 31, 2006
  7. mykeymykey01

    CBX2 Guest

    Actually most manufacturers are trying to make it impossible to get info
    to fix THEIR CARS.They are charging private mechanics either a yearly
    fee or monthly fee to download tech info.There is a bill right now in NJ
    to prohibit them from doing it and hopefully congress will follow.Volks
    and Audi come to mind
    and I think Volvo.

    CBX2, Nov 2, 2006
  8. mykeymykey01

    mykeymykey01 Guest

    is hyundaitech actually working for the
    hyundai corp? he watches over us like
    batman. the coolest thing since sliced
    bread. give that tech a raise...
    mykeymykey01, Nov 2, 2006
  9. mykeymykey01

    kr Guest

    My gut feeling is Hyundai Tech is an actual Hyundai Service Technician
    who through the goodness of his heart, looks at the posts on this site
    and contributes as best he can. Having actual training and experience
    he is the most knowledgable contributor and I agree that he is a
    generous and valued ally in our quest to keep our cars running, gain
    more knowledge of them and prevent being taken advantage of by Hyundai
    Corporation. Bless you and thank you!
    kr, Nov 3, 2006
  10. While I've not needed his services yet (only 4200 miles), it is a comfort to
    know there is help or a second opinion if the dealer should fail me.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 3, 2006
  11. mykeymykey01

    Bob Adkins Guest

    True, but not because of a gut feeling, but because he said so! :)

    Bob Adkins, Nov 3, 2006
  12. mykeymykey01

    Mad E Moe Guest

    Its due to people like HT is why I'm on my 7th Hyundai in a row since
    1992 .
    Mad E Moe, Jan 15, 2007
  13. You mean there have been other Hyundaitechs on the internet since '92
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Jan 15, 2007
  14. mykeymykey01

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from Mad E Moe <> (Sun, 14
    Jan 2007 23:27:46) about "Re: HYUNDAI TECH IS THE COOLEST TECH OF ALL

    ME> Its due to people like HT is why I'm on my 7th Hyundai in a row since
    ME> 1992 .

    You have me beaten in number but not in time. I am on my 5th consecutive
    Hyundai since 1989. Congrats to you on your 7 wise decisions. :)

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Mon, 15 Jan 2007 18:38:28 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Jan 16, 2007
  15. mykeymykey01

    Mad E Moe Guest

    Yeah but due to job situation I can't afford that shiney new Sonata
    I've been lusting for dammit ! So for now I'll keep driving my 01 or
    92 Elantras .
    Mad E Moe, Feb 5, 2007
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