Hyundaitech 2001 santafe steering again

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by zenox, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. zenox

    zenox Guest

    Jacked up again and took a look at what is actually moving.I t looks like
    the passenger side,front drive axle shaft, is the only shaft doing the
    moving in and out.
    The movement is not at the wheel but inside the rubber boot that goes into
    the tranny or front diff.?
    Not sure of the terminology.
    Could this be a ujoint or bearing gone?
    Thanks for any help>
    zenox, Dec 3, 2006
  2. zenox

    hyundaitech Guest

    If you can see the boot actually moving in and out, you've got play
    elsewhere. If the bearing were bad, the most you'd get would be some
    rocking of the shaft-- it wouldn't move in and out. I'd also expect you
    to have one heck of a humming or rumbling noise when you drive.

    The top of the wheel is pretty much fixed in place and won't move due to
    the strut attachment. With the wheel jacked off the ground, grab the
    bottom and see if you can pull it in and out. If you can, the problem is
    likely in the ball joint. Look specifically to see if the control arm
    pushes up and down when you move the bottom of the wheel in and out.

    Similarly, when you rock the wheel from side to side, you should be able
    to see the tie rod end joint move if that's where the issue is.
    hyundaitech, Dec 5, 2006
  3. zenox

    zenox Guest

    I will update you on what I find.
    Thanks again
    zenox, Dec 5, 2006
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