Icy T-intersection + 15mph slide into curb = alignment? (hopefully)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mwmosser, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. mwmosser

    mwmosser Guest

    hi all -

    2002 Elantra GT 15 mph into a curb yesterday at a T-shaped
    intersection. Long story short - left turn, car decided didn't want to
    keep turning and went into the curb at about a 45 degree angle on the
    right front (alloy) wheel. No body damage, no immediately noticable
    wheel damage, but clearly knocked out of alignment as to get home in a
    straight line I had to keep the steering wheel turned about 30 degrees

    It's going in to the alignment shop tomorrow to have them take a look
    at it. I think this is only an alignment issue and not a broken tie-
    rod. If it were a broken tie-rod, I wouldn't have been able to drive
    it all, right?

    Just trying to get some info before I get there tomorrow.

    thanks -

    mwmosser, Dec 7, 2007
  2. mwmosser

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Not a broken tie rod or you would not have been able to steer - as you
    suspect. I suspect more than just alignment damage though. You may be
    paying for suspension parts.
    Mike Marlow, Dec 8, 2007
  3. mwmosser

    Rob Smith Guest

    Tie rod didn't break, otherwise you wouldn't have driven home. That said,
    you could have bent things. Make sure you let them know what happened so
    they pay particular attention to making sure that the tie rods, control
    arm, and strut are OK.
    Rob Smith, Dec 8, 2007
  4. You definitely bent something. Expect much more than an alignment. It
    could be anything from a tie-rod to the steering rack or control arm.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 8, 2007
  5. mwmosser

    mwmosser Guest

    All good points. Alignment is done, car is tracking straight now. No
    damage to tie-rod or suspension parts. So far so good, new ice storm
    on its way tonight, so maybe this time I will keep the car in the
    garage and take a personal day!

    thanks -

    mwmosser, Dec 10, 2007
  6. It was about 30 years ago that I went to work on an icy day. It cost me a
    weeks pay for the damage. Ever since then, I've taken a more relaxed
    approach to foul weather and don't venture out until safe. I'd rather be
    Edwin Pawlowski, Dec 11, 2007
  7. mwmosser

    irwell Guest

    Out of control on an icy road is scary.
    irwell, Dec 11, 2007
  8. You bet its scary, and in my part of the country, we have had a lot of ice
    too up until now.

    For whatever reason, when I've had to venture out, I have felt far safer in
    my minivan in terms of traction, starting, stopping, emergency maneuvers if
    necessary, whatever, than I have in any cars either I or my kids have
    (almost all small, including a Hyundai Elantra and a Kia Spectra). And this
    is a van that doesn't even have the features the new Entourage does, like
    standard traction and stability control.

    What I do have is good tires, new brakes, and enough common sense to stay
    off the roads as much as possible during those times. When I do have to be
    out, and I see vehicle after vehicle after vehicle either going in or
    already in the ditch, I sometimes wonder how much of the latter of those
    traits is out there, at least in my area.
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Dec 11, 2007
  9. mwmosser

    Mike Marlow Guest

    It's that sssslllloooooooooowwwwwww slide to the edge of the abyss that
    really wracks your nerves.
    Mike Marlow, Dec 12, 2007
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