Immobiliser/Theft Alarm

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. John

    John Guest

    2002 V6 Sonata with factory fitted Immobiliser/Theft alarm. Frequently the
    system will lock itself, ie you use the key to gain entry and even before
    you open the door it has locked itself again. Other times you leave the car
    unlocked in garage and you will hear the car lock itself totally at own
    volition. Never unlocks itself. New battery, no change. We dont use the
    Looking at the HMA website suggests there is a number of modules that
    could cause issue. Anyone have any suggestions of where to narrow down the
    look.?. Thought perhaps it may pay to remove the modules and clean contacts,
    is that going to confuse the system?.
    Many thanks
    John, Oct 18, 2009
  2. John

    hyundaitech Guest

    I don't think the immobilizer is related to the locking of the
    vehicle. Furthermore, you won't be able to find any information on
    the immobilizer on the HMA site, since U.S. models aren't equipped
    with it.

    The power lock schematics should be similar, however. I'd suspect a
    front door lock actuator with an intermittent short, a problem with
    either door lock switch --can't remember if there's one on the
    passenger side, a stuck door lock/unlock relay, or the wiring to
    either door lock switch intermittently worn through and touching the
    body. You'll probably need to test electrically while the problem is
    actually occurring to find the cause. It'd be quite a lot of work to
    check all the wiring visibly, and, depending on the problem your car
    actually has, you may not be a able to detect it visually.

    Here's a few things you can try:

    Swap the two door lock/unlock relays. If your doors now begin
    unlocking intermittently, the problem is in one of the relays. If it
    continues locking intermittently, it's not in the relays.

    Unplug the door lock/unlock switches. If the problem continues, it's
    not the switches. While the door panels are off, visually inspect
    what you can see of the wiring.

    Unplug one of the front door lock actuators. If the problem
    continues, it's not in that door lock actuator. In that case,
    reconnect the actuator and unplug the other front actuator. Again,
    inspect the areas of wiring you can see.

    In all of the above cases, do one thing at a time until you can reach
    a conclusion. If you do more than one thing, you won't know which one
    caused any change.
    hyundaitech, Oct 18, 2009
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