Lantra Ignition proble,

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by John, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. John

    John Guest

    A 2000 1.8l build Lantra. No spark from rear ignition coil. Took it off,
    all connectors ok, Resistances of primary and secondary similar to front
    coil. No fuses I can find that are blown. Any idea where to from here?.
    Many thanks
    John, Jun 7, 2009
  2. John

    John Guest

    Should have said the resistance of secondary for one that doesnt work is 10
    ohms, the one that does work is 6 ohms. That significant?. Wouldn,t have
    thought so but then I,m not very familiar with these. Primaries of both both
    ~ 0.4 ohm.
    John, Jun 7, 2009
  3. John

    hyundaitech Guest

    I gave up checking resistance on Hyundai coils many years ago because
    they always tested outside spec and were rarely the issue.

    To check the power circuit and wiring, do the following:

    Go to the coil connectors, unplug, and verify you have power with the
    key on. If not, find the open circuit in the power circuit.

    Next, replug the coils and unplug the ECM (key still on). With a test
    light, verify power on the control wires to the ECM,

    If you had power in both places, you've verified the coil circuits,
    limiting your problem to coil and ECM.

    If you suspect the coil is the issue, swap the two coils. If the
    misfire moves with the coil, the coil itself is defective. If not,
    the problem is elsewhere.
    hyundaitech, Jun 7, 2009
  4. John

    John Guest

    Much obliged HT, had a look in Hyundai site for where ECM is, no mention of
    it. Probably a silly question but where is it?
    John, Jun 7, 2009
  5. John

    hyundaitech Guest

    The ECM is behind the left side of the dash, presuming it's the same
    as U.S. models.

    The greatest tool I've found for locating components is the electrical
    schematic. In the schematic, the numbers are links to information
    about the connector. When the connector window pops up, you'll
    initially see a diagram of the connector. At the top of this window,
    you'll see a location link. Click on that, and a nice picture of the
    component will typically appear.

    My apologies for the delay in reply. For no apparent reason, google
    had moved this off my recent topics and it just today came back.
    Hopefully this is still of some help.
    hyundaitech, Jun 21, 2009
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