Lantra Immobiliser Queries

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Ed Gasket, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. Ed Gasket

    Ed Gasket Guest

    Hi, I have a year 2000 UK Lantra 1.6 GSI and need some spare keys cut.
    Hyundai quoted me £85 for 1 key and need the car as well to reprogram
    it. Does anyone know if this car has 'rolling' codes in the
    transponder key? If not is there any reason why an existing working
    key cannot just be cloned without the need to reprogram the car? In
    what way is the blue 'identity' key different to the black 'master'
    Thanks for any help.
    Ed Gasket, Mar 2, 2007
  2. Ed Gasket

    buzz Guest

    buy a "J"* immobilizer key from dealer, let it be cutted and then program it
    by yourself as follows:
    a) get blue key into steering lock.
    b) thrust it 5 times rapidly from off to on (indicators on, not ignition!)
    c) get every single black key into steering lock and thrust everyone 1 one
    time from off to on - first key, off/on, out, second key off/on, etc.
    d) check every key working (ignite engine, it should not stop within 5
    seconds - if engine stops within 3/5 secs, it's not recognized and immo cuts
    fuel supply).

    this - hope it's clear! - is standard procedure without hyundai scanner to
    let system recognize keys.
    check if your system has "J" key - J letter should be written in metal part
    of key, while M letter stays on plastic grip.

    the blue key is different from other keys because it's the first key
    recognized from immobilizer system in the factory. it's the only one that
    be deleted from system, while you can add up to 4 black keys.

    buzz, Mar 2, 2007
  3. Ed Gasket

    Ed Gasket Guest

    Wow ! Thanks 'buzz', thats really interesting.
    Turning the ignition on/off (but not starting the car) five times with
    the blue key must put the system into learning mode. This must be a
    secret Hyundai don't want us to know about?
    My keys do have the J on them, on the metal right next to the plastic
    key handle.

    Do you know if a key can be cloned by a locksmith; i.e. an exact copy
    of a working black key including the transponder?
    Ed Gasket, Mar 2, 2007
  4. Ed Gasket

    buzz Guest

    a.f.a.i.c. key cannot be cloned, but i never delt with such things.
    i've seen sometimes some people try to take trasponder by cutting old grip
    and put it close to a new / or passive key.
    on the steering lock there's an antenna (part where off-garage-ig letters
    are printed), and this antenna catches the code stored in trasponder.
    there are no secrets about hyundai, this procedure is simply "unofficial"
    but always working, even if with hyundai scan you cannot register keys!
    it happened to me many years ago to replace an ICM (immo unit) and not being
    able anymore to register any key but the existing blue one.....well
    scanner did not help, but this "5 times" method did work!
    your immo system is old, recently hyundai changed to an integrated immo
    system and supplys only two sister keys, but old in this case means i.m.o.
    with new system it's impossible to record a key into system without scanner
    and a special code, obtain from VIN with an algorithm.
    regards, buzz
    buzz, Mar 2, 2007
  5. Ed Gasket

    hyundaitech Guest

    The transponder in the key cannot be changed. What you're doing is
    teaching the car to recognize the keys you have.
    hyundaitech, Mar 2, 2007
  6. Ed Gasket

    Ed Gasket Guest

    I was not suggesting changing a standard transponder key, I was asking
    if it were possible to copy the key. I have heard that you can get
    'blank' transponder keys and then a locksmith can program them to
    match a working key. This should work so long as the immobiliser does
    not use rolling codes where the code stored in the transponder changes
    everytime you turn off the engine. I assume the Lantra immobiliser
    does not have rolling codes.

    'Buzz' can you please clarify, does : 'b) thrust it 5 times rapidly
    from off to on (indicators on, not ignition!) ' mean put the blue key
    in the steering lock, turn it partly on to the first position but not
    so that the the dashboard lights come on or does it mean turn it to
    the second position where the lights do come on on the dashboard?
    Should this be done as quickly as possible or just slow and steady? Is
    there anything else to do after each black key to tell the system
    there are no more keys?
    Ed Gasket, Mar 2, 2007
  7. Ed Gasket

    hyundaitech Guest

    "I was not suggesting changing a standard transponder key, I was asking
    if it were possible to copy the key. I have heard that you can get
    'blank' transponder keys and then a locksmith can program them to
    match a working key."

    The transponder in the key cannot be programmed. That was the point I was
    trying to make. It's the vehicle that's programmed to read the keys.
    hyundaitech, Mar 2, 2007
  8. Ed Gasket

    Buzz Guest

    yes, exactly.
    the blue key has to be turned 5 times from OFF to ON means dashboard light
    come on, without
    igniting engine. It doesn't matter if you do it slowly or rapidly, do it
    Then put black keys one by one from OFF to ON as above, do not ignite.
    When you completed with all black keys, try to ignite engine with every
    single key.
    As told before, engine should not turn off within 5 seconds, otherwise means
    key is not recognized and
    immo cuts petrol.
    Good Luck! Ciao
    Buzz, Mar 3, 2007
  9. Ed Gasket

    Ed Gasket Guest

    Thanks Buzz, thats great ! By the way, I am going to try a cloned key
    as the local locksmith says he can copy my key including the
    transponder. Will let you know how it goes and if it doesn't work,
    I'll do what you suggest.
    Ed Gasket, Mar 3, 2007
  10. Ed Gasket

    Ed Gasket Guest

    Update on Keys:

    I had a local locksmith make up 2 keys. These had programmable
    transponder chips in them so all he had to do was read my key and
    program the information into the two new keys; job done. No need to
    connect to the car at all. Cost £55 for the two which is £70 cheaper
    than Hyundai quoted !
    I also asked about programming the normal transponder keys into the
    ECU using just the car alone as suggested by Buzz. Reluctantly the
    locksmith admitted that this would work; I guess the industry doesn't
    want too many people to know about this as they lose work if people
    program in their own keys. (Hyundai wanted £45 to program a key to the
    car using Hi-Scan but it seems so long as you have the Blue key, you
    can do it yourself as per Buzz's instructions above).
    Ed Gasket, Mar 7, 2007
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