lighter power

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by fhm, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. fhm

    fhm Guest

    Is there any way to reconfigure the wiring for the cigarette lighter in my
    '04 Santa Fe so it is powered on all the time? I want to use it to keep my
    telephone charged up.

    fhm, Apr 20, 2005
  2. fhm

    hyundaitech Guest

    To do it properly, you'd have to wire from an unused fuse location (or
    install a fuse holder at the battery and run a wire from there) with
    constant power and install a 15A fuse.

    You'll be able to pick up constant power off the clock, radio, hazard
    switch, and perhaps a couple other places, but the circuits may not handle
    the power of the lighter.

    Check out the schematics at if you want to investigate.
    They'll be in the section under the tab "ETM." I don't recall whether the
    '04 Santa Fe has schematics there yet. If not, choose the '03. The three
    items I mentioned above should be wired the same, but there may be some
    minor differences, so be sure to verify.
    hyundaitech, Apr 21, 2005
  3. fhm

    Balfa Guest

    You mean while the key is unplugged? I wouldn’t recommend doing that.
    Car batteries aren’t designed to run more than a clock and maybe an
    alarm system. They’re good at short bursts (starting the engine) but
    not good at maintaining a steady drain. When the engine is running,
    the lighter socket is drawing power from the alternator, but if you
    leave a phone charger (say 4W) connected to it continuously, it’ll
    shorten your battery life.

    Why would you want to do such a thing, anyway? Why would you leave
    your mobile phone in your car while you weren’t there? :)
    Balfa, Apr 21, 2005
  4. fhm

    hyundaitech Guest

    If your charger uses 4W, you'll deplete anything but a near full-strength
    battery overnight. Good point.
    hyundaitech, Apr 21, 2005
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