Manual trans fluid change

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Krunk, May 5, 2024.

  1. Krunk


    May 5, 2024
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    I have a 21 n line, 1.6 turbo. I want to change manual tranny fluid. I am pretty sure I know the drain plug, but I can't seem to find the fill port. I can find info for about every year but the 21. I've seen the 22 and it isn't the same as mine.
    I also can't seem to find an online service manual, for less than $50. Anyone got an idea where the fill port would be? I have something that looks like it could de used, but it isn't just a plug, but looks like a sensor.
    Krunk, May 5, 2024
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