Memory presets

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jp103, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. jp103

    jp103 Guest

    I am going to replace the steering wheel audio controls on a 07 Azera to
    include channel changing ability. In order to do so I want to
    disconnect the negative terminal in order to cut power to the airbag.
    My question is - can I attach a lower volt battery (I think I've used a
    9 volt previously) to preserve my memory seat and audio settings? Or is
    there a way to disarm the airbag - perhaps a fuse or something?
    Thanks for any suggestions
    jp103, Sep 14, 2007
  2. jp103

    hyundaitech Guest

    I've had issues with 9V batteries not preserving the presets. Furthermore,
    if you attach a 9V battery, it could be enough to keep the air bag system
    awake. Your best bet is to disconnect the battery and reset the radio
    when you reconnect the cable, if that's even necessary.
    hyundaitech, Sep 14, 2007
  3. jp103

    jp103 Guest

    Thanks, I took your advice and lost my radio presets but the seat memory
    was still retained. I can now change channels or cd tracks from the
    steering wheel. :D
    jp103, Sep 14, 2007
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