Need unlock code

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by matt zukowski, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. I have the following Cassette Reciever unit
    Part no 98140-23100
    Model H510SU

    It was bought 2nd hand but has the same wiring diagram as the accent
    1 -> 7
    _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ + + _ _ _ _
    8->16 where + is on pins 11 and 12.

    Hitting BAND upon start up permits roughly 5min of play before it cuts out
    and displays the last code entered, which was 1111. Hitting #4 upon start
    up yields the following code
    _ _
    _ _ _ Two bars left center/down... center and right bars are center and

    _= = in case this is easier to read.

    Any help, even a contact number to someone who can translate the bars to an
    unlock code or some procedure to unlock this unit would be most helpful. It
    was picked up 2nd hand at a thrift store and was intended to mount in a car
    i'm giving to my niece. I'd prefer disabling it all together as the the
    vehical it will be installed into doesn't have much in the way of a direct
    battery connection.
    matt zukowski, Jul 22, 2003
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