Noise in 2000 Elantra

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by amseibel, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. amseibel

    amseibel Guest

    I have a 2000 Elantra with about 108,000 miles (just out from under
    warranty, of course). The transmission has never given me any problems
    and I've had the fluid changed according to the schedule.

    The other morning as I was turning into my work, a slight noise started
    coming from under the car. I first thought I was dragging a branch or
    other object, but didn't see anything. The noise continued, but I
    noticed that when I backed up, it didn't make the noise.

    If was a very quiet noise. If I had had the radio on, I probably
    wouldn't have heard it.

    I took it to my mechanic and he drove it and checked it. He said he
    THINKS it may be the transmission. Since the transmission shop wants
    $450 just to find out, I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered a
    similar problem with their Elantra and if so, what the problem was.

    amseibel, Nov 8, 2006
  2. amseibel

    hyundaitech Guest

    You need to find a more competent shop. It's not difficult to tell which
    component is making the noise with the car running on a lift.

    If you verify it's in the transmission, you should probably have a reman
    installed. Don't have someone overhaul your old transmission. There will
    be a large amount of metal filings in it that will be very difficult to
    completely remove.
    hyundaitech, Nov 8, 2006
  3. amseibel

    amseibel Guest

    It doesn't make the noise unless it is moving forward. I guess I'll
    just "bite the bullet" and take it to the dealer and pay the money to
    have them check it out. Thanks.
    amseibel, Nov 9, 2006
  4. amseibel

    hyundaitech Guest

    My point is that it'll probably still make the noise on the lift. The
    technician simply needs to raise the wheels off the ground and put it in
    forward gear (or whatever gear is necessary for the noise to occur). Then
    it's a matter of probing around to find the source of the noise. Not
    rocket science.

    If indeed it is in the transmission, it'll be an expensive repair.
    hyundaitech, Nov 9, 2006
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