Noise on start up

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lynn W, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Lynn W

    Lynn W Guest

    Hopefully someone can help with this. I bought a used Amica (W reg)
    last June. Had a load of niggles, covered under warranty but one
    thing is still not rectified and it is really annoying. One of the
    things that went wrong was an 'engine plug' of some sort, the garage
    had it for 3 weeks while they sorted, had trouble getting the part
    apparently as the car was more than 6 years old!! Since having this
    fixed when I start the car there is a high pitched noise which gets
    higher and faster until I reach revs which take me into 3rd gear
    approx and then it stops and is okay from then on, until the next
    time I start the engine. The garage thought it was to do with the
    Drive belts as there had a 'chirping' noise before and they thought
    that was the belts and they tightened them up, when I reported this
    latest noise I think they just presumed it was related without
    actually hearing the noise!! Does anyone have any idea what this
    could be to give me some inkling what this could be, I need to make
    sure that it will be under the warranty given to me with the car
    which was for 3 years.
    Lynn W, Feb 8, 2007
  2. Lynn W

    Mike Marlow Guest

    What year car? What engine?

    Your best bet might be to take the car to your service center (garage) the
    evening before they plan to work on it. Leave it with them overnight so
    they can hear the noise the next morning when they come in and start the car
    Mike Marlow, Feb 9, 2007
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