O2 sensor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Poolboy, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Poolboy

    Poolboy Guest

    My friend has a 2005 Elantra which is running a little rough when she
    accelerates. I’ve check the OBD codes and the only thing tripping the
    computer is the O2 sensor. When I looked more into her car they have 2
    O2 sensors, and the meter didn’t specify which one would be tripping
    the computer. So now I have a few questions.

    first. Are there different symptoms for both of these 02 sensors to
    tell me which one is tripping the computer?

    second. Would an O2 sensor really effect the acceleration enough to
    make the car stumble at times? Or should I start looking into bigger
    Poolboy, Jul 7, 2008
  2. Poolboy

    Partner Guest

    An 05 should still be under warranty if it has less than 60,000 miles.
    The 02 sensors may be under the emission warranty which is even longer.
    Partner, Jul 7, 2008
  3. Poolboy

    hyundaitech Guest

    The OBD code specifies which sensor's signal the ECM doesn't like, and it
    also specifies why the computer doesn't like it. What was the OBD code?

    While it's possible for an upstream oxygen sensor to cause performance
    issues, that's very rare on Hyundai. Again, I'm curious to know the
    trouble code, but my gut instinct is that your performace issue is
    elsewhere, such as low fuel pressure or worn plugs/arcing wires.

    The downstream oxygen sensor cannot cause performance problems. Its sole
    function is for the ECM to compare it's signal to the upstream sensor for
    the purpose of monitoring catalyst efficiency
    hyundaitech, Jul 7, 2008
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