POLL: How long do you think the 10 year Warranty will last?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jtees4, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. jtees4

    jtees4 Guest

    I think it will be gone in about two years. Just won't be necessary
    anymore from a Company Standpoint. What do you all think?
    jtees4, Aug 7, 2006
  2. jtees4

    art.obrien Guest

    IMHO it will be around for a while because it has become a core part
    part of the company's brand identity.

    As Hyundai has been moving up I have noticed other manufacturers
    testing out longer waranties to encourage sales. The latest is Ford
    offering 5yr/60k mile powertrain on all 06's
    art.obrien, Aug 7, 2006
  3. No doubt that Hyundai and Kia used it in the beginning as a marketing ploy
    to get people to notice their products as up-and-comers in a crowded

    But as they have been making quality gains, it has become more of a symbol
    of what they can be. It remains a powerful chip to use against cars that
    have, maybe a 3/36000 warranty.

    In that sense, there will be a lot of heat if they try to drop it. Indeed,
    what this most recent poster said makes it clear that this strategy is
    affecting the other car makers.

    It wouldn't make sense for the warranty to take a step down when they are
    forcing everyone else to take a step up.

    Just FYI, the local Hyundai/Kia dealer now has occasional sales where they
    put 100,000 mile warranties on ALL their cars, new and used, regardless of
    manufacturer. Those are the companies biggest volume weekends.

    It works. No one in their right mind would try to drop something that works
    (or would they??).

    Tom Wenndt
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Aug 7, 2006
  4. Who cares? It's available now, which is all that matters.
    Brian Nystrom, Aug 7, 2006
  5. jtees4

    hyundaitech Guest

    When Hyundai indroduced the 5/60--10/100 program, they intended for it to
    be temporary. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go away in about the same
    period as the OP suggested. But, as has been pointed out, if it becomes
    the industry standard, they'll be pretty much forced to keep it.
    hyundaitech, Aug 8, 2006
  6. jtees4

    nothermark Guest

    Why drop it if they are able to maintain their quality and price? You
    should look into some of what Malcom Baldrigdge preached and the
    Asians bought into. Total cost of ownership is cheaper to build
    something right the first time rather than pay for service over the
    usefull life. Many folks understand that. Detroit ignores it at
    their peril.
    nothermark, Aug 8, 2006
  7. jtees4

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Because it carries the stigma of the cars being low quality if they need
    a warranty that long to sell them. Remember, that almost all extended
    warranties like that have been instituted by car makers who were having
    quality problems (Chrysler with their original 7/70 plan and Hyundai and
    Kia when their stuff was junk).

    People tend to associate long warranties with low quality as backward as
    that seems logically!

    Matt Whiting, Aug 8, 2006
  8. jtees4

    jtees4 Guest

    Chrysler used to have the 7/70 thing, I bought two Chryslers during
    that period. Now I own two Hyundais...so I guess I like the ideafew
    months to a year. If they dropped the warranty it might affect my
    jtees4, Aug 8, 2006
  9. jtees4

    jtees4 Guest

    Just an additional note...with the Chrylser you NEEDED the 7/70
    warranty. No issues at all with my 03 or 05 Hyundai Excel GT's.
    jtees4, Aug 8, 2006
  10. Do people actually associate a long warranty with poor quality? I can
    see where some may think that, but I bet they're in the minority.
    Although I'm speaking strictly from a personal perspective, and I'm
    certainly no student of automotive history, I've always thought longer
    warranties make for better cars, for a few reasons.

    I think most people look at it from the manufacturers' perspective: If
    they build a crappy car and put a long warranty on it, they're losing
    money... no company is going to do that.

    On the other hand, if they build an average car and put a long warranty
    on it, they'll break even and both parties will share the headaches of
    vehicle ownership.

    The best thing for everyone is the offer of a very long warranty. Why?
    The manufacturer must be confident that their car will stay out of the
    shop, because otherwise they're on the hook for repairs for a long
    time. Everyone wins: the consumer gets a good vehicle, the
    manufacturer makes a good dollar and a good reputation, and the
    warranty is there for peace of mind even though very few need to use
    it. The only person who loses is the shop guy/gal (sorry
    hyundaitech)... although they probably could keep busy with work that
    doesn't fall under warranty, like accidents and modifications and so

    If the warranty is transferable, it would also help keep resale and
    residual values high.

    The worst are the short warranties... because then the manufacturer
    doesn't care if their product winds up in the shop after 24-36 months
    with a pooched transmission... it isn't their problem.

    I agree that some may take the view that a long warranty is a sign of
    poor quality, but those same people probably still believe in the tooth
    fairy and/or the earth is flat. :)

    NotBloodyLikely, Aug 8, 2006
  11. jtees4

    Bob Adkins Guest

    I associate it with manufacturers that stand behind their cars.
    Bob Adkins, Aug 8, 2006
  12. jtees4

    Matt Whiting Guest

    The highest quality cars (Toyota) have fairly short warranties. Also
    the cars that hold their resale value best (Toyota) have fairly short
    warranties. So you won't buy a Toyota because the warranty is too short?

    I look at it as the warranty only matters if a car has marginal quality.
    With a Toyota, I wouldn't even care what the warranty was.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 8, 2006
  13. jtees4

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I associate it with manufacturers who need to! I'd rather have a Toyota
    where I don't have to worry about it. :)

    Matt Whiting, Aug 8, 2006
  14. jtees4

    Vineeth Guest

    I really don't think Toyota's & for that matter Hondas are really that
    great today! We all saw what a mess the new camry transmissions were...
    I think Bob has a point, Longer warranties just show the confidence a
    manufacturer has in his vehicles!
    Vineeth, Aug 9, 2006
  15. jtees4

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Sorry, history doesn't support that. Long warranties have always (I
    can't think of a single exception, can you?) been offered by
    manufacturers' who were having quality problems and needed a marketing
    ploy to overcome that.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 9, 2006
  16. jtees4

    nothermark Guest

    Interesting that you say that. Everyone I have told about the Hyundai
    warranty looks at it as a statement of quality from Hyundai. Perhaps
    they recall that the Rolls Royce warranty was something like the life
    of the owner. Perhaps it is a question of knowing the offerer. If
    Ford or GM matched Hyundai tomorrow they would be looked upon with
    suspicion, if Honda did it would be a recognition of their quality.

    nothermark, Aug 9, 2006
  17. jtees4

    pdp11 Guest

    Funny you should mention that, as it is one of the reasons that we
    purchased a Hyundai instead of a Toyota. (I do know people who have had
    problems with Toyotas, they are not quite as magical as some people
    seem to believe.) Other reasons would include overall value for the
    dollar, plus I frankly do not feel very comfortable purchasing
    big-ticket items from a country which attacked us within living memory.
    (My barber, who served on a destroyer and dodged kamikazes at the
    battle of Okinowa, does not drive a Toyota either.)
    pdp11, Aug 9, 2006
  18. jtees4

    Bob Adkins Guest

    Well, if Hyundai's boss died and appointed you head of the corporation, what
    would YOU do Matt?

    Would you offer the worst warranty in the business to prove your cars don't
    need it? I bet THAT would bring customers in droves. :)
    Bob Adkins, Aug 9, 2006
  19. jtees4

    JS Guest

    I guess my Snap-on tools are just pure crap! Damn that lifetime warranty!


    JS, Aug 9, 2006
  20. jtees4

    Matt Whiting Guest

    The topic is cars for ... the reading impaired.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 9, 2006
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