Possible brake pad time on 2007 Santa Fe?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by bobmct, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. bobmct

    bobmct Guest

    Just turned over 46K on this mostly highway driven vehicle. On city
    streets with the radio off and the right side window open I have
    started to hear eek-eek-eek-eek noises. I am assuming it is being
    caused by the pad wear indicators.

    Am I thinking correctly? Is 46K on pads too short?
    I just want to get some opinions. Thanks
    bobmct, Feb 23, 2011
  2. bobmct

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    I may be the brakes. Miles make little difference, driving conditions do.
    When I lived in Philadelphia, 25k was great mileage for brakes, but where I
    live now, I've gone over 70k. Of course, I can drive home from work 25
    miles and come to a complete stop only once. Oh, factor in loads and
    driving style too. Last minute braking wears them faster.

    As a further comparison, 46k on a 2007 is fairly light miles. I've be at
    about 92,000 on mine had I not traded it in.
    Ed Pawlowski, Feb 23, 2011
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