power door locks?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Randy Pape, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    does anyone know why my power locks will unlock with the remote but won't
    lock with it or using the lock button inside the car ?
    Randy Pape, Feb 2, 2008
  2. Randy Pape

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Broken wire? Bad switch? How about some more information about your car.
    What year, make, model? History of this problem?

    Of course nobody could possibly know why your locks don't work correctly
    with no information.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 3, 2008
  3. Randy Pape

    John Guest

    The electric windows go up and down?. Those and the locks usually go via a
    common connector
    under switch assembly in door. Try removing and reseating all connectors.
    All fuses OK?.
    John, Feb 3, 2008
  4. Randy Pape

    D&SW Guest

    Most remote lock systems are disbled when the key is in the ingition. I
    think they consider it a safety factor for small kids.
    D&SW, Feb 3, 2008
  5. Randy Pape

    hyundaitech Guest

    Most frequently, the issue is a faulty door lock relay or door unlock
    hyundaitech, Feb 4, 2008
  6. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    sorry for the lack of info, it's a 2004 2.7 v6 sonata and when I push the
    lock and unlock on the door switch I can hear the relays clicking on and off
    both ways. I went on the Hyundai web site and I don't see alot of trouble
    shooting info. thanks Randy
    Randy Pape, Feb 7, 2008
  7. Randy Pape

    hyundaitech Guest

    Given the year and model, it's almost certainly the relay. Usually, the
    relay contacts burn from arcing, and even though you hear the click,
    there's no electrical contact.

    There's a door unlock and a door lock relay located in the fuse and relay
    box behind the switch panel on the left side of the dash. They're
    identical, and the problem could be in either one. I can usually pull the
    relays out using an angled pair of pliers. Feel on the relays with your
    fingers to see which ones are clicking when the switch is moved one way or
    the other. Then pull one out, go to your local dealer and purchase one.
    Put it in, and recheck the locks. If they still don't work, swap the
    other lock/unlock relay.
    hyundaitech, Feb 7, 2008
  8. Randy Pape

    hyundaitech Guest

    I just did one of these today, so I've some more exact information. The
    most likely culprit is the door lock relay, second most likely is the
    unlock relay. When you pull out the switch panel, the lock/unlock relays
    are the two black ones on the very right. Part# 95225-38300. Start with
    the one all the way on the right. That's the lock relay.
    hyundaitech, Feb 12, 2008
  9. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    how do you get at the relays? i see they're behind the fuse block, but it
    seems hard to get at . is there a trick to getting them out? thanks
    Randy Pape, Apr 9, 2008
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