Problem with 92 Excel not fireing on all 4 cylinders

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Michael, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    I have had a 92 excel for several years now, and it has been totally
    trouble free untill today.

    I noticed it running very rough, and have determined that it has
    suddenly stopped fireing on the leftmost two cyclinders.

    I checked the plugs, and found them to be clean and dry with no fouling
    evident... Just to be safe, i replaced all 4 spark plugs, roter, cap
    and ignition leads.

    A compression test reveals that compression is normal in all 4

    What are the types of things that can cause this, and what else can i
    check without pulling the motor apart ?

    Could it be a problem with the EFI ?

    Michael, Aug 27, 2006
  2. Michael

    hyundaitech Guest

    Could be an EFI issue. Did you verify no spark, or do you just know you
    have a miss?

    Possible the wires could be switched? Firing order is 1-3-4-2.

    Possible clogged injectors.
    hyundaitech, Aug 28, 2006
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