Rear deck mount speaker replacement 2004 Sonata GLS

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by FerdyPooh, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. FerdyPooh

    FerdyPooh Guest

    Hello good folk---

    Could someone describe the procedure to R&R rear speakers? Or point me to a
    link that describes the procedure?

    Already checked Hyundai WebTech, and it's not there. I've looked at the
    speaker grilles on the back deck, but they do not appear to pop out---no
    visible fasteners. Hate to try to pry them off and mess em up. I,
    therefore, presume that the entire rear deck cover must be removed to access
    the fasteners for the rear speakers---

    FerdyPooh, Feb 28, 2004
  2. FerdyPooh

    seahorse25 Guest

    The procedure is to remove the entire rear deck cover to access
    the rear speakers (if you and I are talking about the same car).

    seahorse25, Feb 29, 2004
  3. FerdyPooh

    wamaruna Guest

    If you get good instructions on removing the rear deck, please post them. I
    have an XG350 and the arrangement appears to be the same. The door speakers
    are also not simple pop-outs. I can save some bucks installing myself, if I
    can figure out how without destroying things. I suppose Crutchfield would
    share the process if I bought my speakers through them.
    wamaruna, Mar 1, 2004
  4. FerdyPooh

    FerdyPooh Guest

    FerdyPooh, Mar 1, 2004
  5. FerdyPooh

    Jason Guest

    Jason, Mar 1, 2004
  6. FerdyPooh

    Art Guest

    Sorry this link doesn't show Sonata, SantaFe, or XG procedures.
    However it is an excelent link for most Accent's Excel's and Elantra's
    radio and speaker directions. Hppe it helps somebody
    Art, Mar 1, 2004
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