Recommend Bluetooth handsfree for Sante Fe?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bobmct, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. bobmct

    bobmct Guest

    A little off topic - but for those of us that drive Sante Fe's (2-2007
    LTD/AWD here):

    I do about 800 miles/week in my new SUV and with the XM just love the
    drive. However, even though using a cell phone while driving in most
    states is verboten, it happens.

    I rode in a coworkers Jeep GC recently and when his phone rang it came
    through the radio loud and clear. This is GREAT, I thought. But
    Hyundai doesn't seem to offer that feature (YET).

    Therefore, does anyone already use a bluetooth handsfree device that
    works similarly in their Hyundai?

    Any recommendations/comments greatly appreciated.

    bobmct, Nov 4, 2007
  2. I have no experience with this but a Google search yielded:
    A. Sinan Unur, Nov 6, 2007
  3. bobmct

    bobm3 Guest

    bobm3, Nov 6, 2007
  4. wrote in
    Hope it helps. Please do let us know how it works out.

    A. Sinan Unur, Nov 6, 2007
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