
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sligo, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. Sligo

    Sligo Guest

    My 16 year old daughter needs a new car for school and part time work.
    Since costs are always an issue I really like the warranty on Hyundai.
    Soliciting comments, good and bad, on owners of 2004 and 2005 models with
    all the airbags.
    Thank you,
    Seamus J. Wilson
    Sligo, Jan 29, 2005
  2. Sligo

    Bob S Guest

    On the basis of good experience with my 2003 Elantra GT (about 23,000 miles,
    nothing but oil changes and tire rotations), when my 16 year old needed
    transportation last November, I got her a 2002 Accent. So far, no problems
    and she loves it.

    Bob S, Jan 29, 2005
  3. Sligo

    Sligo Guest

    Thank you for the reply.
    Seamus J.
    Sligo, Jan 30, 2005
  4. Please don't top-post. Message rearranged for easier reading

    You misspelled "used car" there. New Hyundais are cheap, but a 1996
    Toyota Corolla is cheaper, even if it needs $1000 worth of work. You
    might want to post your geographical area. NYC != LA != Ann Arbor !=
    BFE, and differing conditions in differing areas may mean one model of
    Hyundai will work better than another.
    YMMV on that Accent. My mother rented one when she spent several weeks
    in California last year, and she hated it. "Tiny, didn't accelerate
    very fast, felt like it was going to fall apart any second" was how she
    summed it up. FWIW, I have a 2003 Tiburon GT, have never had any
    mechanical trouble with it, and love it. (You do *not* want to give a
    16-year-old a Tiburon GT, though. If I'd had my Tib when I was 16, I
    would've wrapped it around a tree in less than a month.)

    Make sure you tell your daughter about regular maintenance, and make her
    buy her own gas and pay for oil changes/whatever (or teach her how to
    change the oil herself, if she wants to learn.) Taking care of a car
    takes some time and money, and the sooner she learns that, the fewer
    problems she'll have later on.
    Dances With Crows, Jan 30, 2005
  5. Sligo

    Fargo99i Guest

    From: Dances With Crows
    Thank you Mr. Wimpy.
    Fargo99i, Jan 31, 2005
  6. We bought new Elantras for our two daughters in 2001 and 2003 and they have
    been great. Highly recommended.
    Cathy De Viney, Feb 2, 2005
  7. Thank you Cathy for kind reply.
    Seamus J. Wilson
    James J. Wilson, Feb 2, 2005
  8. Sligo

    Jason Perry Guest

    I beat on it and it keeps on going the number of very stupid things I have
    done in it is amazing
    right up to rolling it and it still was able to keep on going
    Jason Perry, Feb 9, 2005
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