Replaced broken window regulator, but woindow comes out of track

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Hello all,

    I replaced a broken window regulator on a 2000 hyundai eleantra. Thw
    window still has problems when it goes up toward the last second and
    tilts out of the track. How would I fix that problem? The regulator
    corrected the window so it moved up and down, but it jumps the track at
    the last second going up. I have to manully push it in one direction
    to make it go up and seal. Thanks in advance!
    Mike, Sep 28, 2006
  2. Mike

    Harry Balzak Guest

    My guess: you either have a broken slide track in the door, and/or the
    window run (the felt it rides in) is worn out.
    Harry Balzak, Sep 28, 2006
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