Replacing wiper blades

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by CL, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. CL

    CL Guest

    Hi Group,

    Can anyone give advise on how to change the wiper blades on the 2001
    Elantra? The pin does not come off the blade and there are no screws
    holding the wiper arm to the blade.

    CL, Apr 22, 2004
  2. CL

    NobodyMan Guest

    They don't use a "pin" or screws to hold them in. There's a little
    release catch on the wiper arm. I wedge a small screwdriver in there,
    and lift up on the latch, and the wiper blade slides out. Take out
    the screwdriver and slide the new blade in until it locks in place.

    Every blade I've ever bought has these instructions prited on the back
    of the package.
    NobodyMan, Apr 23, 2004
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