Rotor removal 2003 Elantra

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by MK, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. MK

    MK Guest

    I am trying to remove the front rotors of a 2003 Elantra. I have
    removed the two phillips head screws and cannot pull the rotors off. Is
    there a puller that I can use or do I just need a bigger hammer?


    MK, Mar 18, 2006
  2. MK

    AVN Guest

    From personnel experience soak them down with some type of rust
    penetrate. Then get the biggest dam sledge you can get into the space
    and beat the rotor first front side all around until you see some sign
    of movement then give it at tap rear side. Note: Have new rotors on hand
    they old ones will look worse for wear and tear. Coat the new rotor with
    anti seize and with any luck they will come off easy next time. Major
    pain I feel for you.
    AVN, Mar 19, 2006
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