Santa Fe Hesitation

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by Edgar MacArthur, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. A number of people on various forums have commented on the slight
    hesitation experienced when starting from a stop with the 2007 Santa Fe
    3.3L. One tester even remarked that this could cause him to look for
    another vehicle. I have an 07 3.3 and I can testify that it does
    hesitate, but only very slightly and not enough to affect driveability.
    Nevertheless this could cause some people to consider buying something
    else. I suspect Hyundai is aware of this problem, because they have
    issued a TSB, 07-36-001, entitled "PCM Reprogramming for 2003-2006 SF
    3.5L Throttle Response Improvement." The purpose is stated to be: "To
    improve acceleration response to accelerator pedal movement." My
    question is: when, if ever, will they issue a TSB for the 2007. It
    appears to me that they could be losing some sales because of this issue.
    Edgar MacArthur, Feb 8, 2007
  2. Edgar MacArthur

    Zeppo Guest

    I'm sure they will resolve this shortly, just as they did with my 2005 3.5L
    Santa Fe. Like any big corporation, there is a chain of events that takes
    place to resolve issues, which takes X amount of time. Part of this process
    is figuring out which are actual bugs that effect all cars of that model
    released and those which are a build issue for individual cars.

    Zeppo, Feb 8, 2007
  3. Edgar MacArthur

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from Edgar MacArthur <> (Wed, 07 Feb
    2007 21:56:04) about "Santa Fe Hesitation":

    EM> because they have issued a TSB, 07-
    EM> 36-001, entitled "PCM Reprogramming for 2003-2006 SF
    EM> 3.5L Throttle Response Improvement. " The purpose is stated to be: "To
    EM> improve acceleration response to accelerator pedal movement." My
    EM> question is: when, if ever, will they issue a TSB for the 2007. It
    EM> appears to me that they could be losing some sales because of this
    EM> issue.

    While I do not have an answer to your specific question I have a question
    of my own - why not print out the above TSB and bring it and the vehicle to
    the dealer and ask them to fix it, referring to the TSB if they had to? The
    vehicle is certainly under warranty and may even be under the 12-month
    period for adjustments.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Thu, 08 Feb 2007 13:55:22 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Feb 8, 2007
  4. Edgar MacArthur

    Hyundaitech Guest

    It’s hard to say, Edgar. I’m sure Hyundai is looking into it, but
    whether they agree something should be changed is another matter.

    I agree that it’s simple enough to adapt to it. Most people would
    probably not have an issue once they drove the vehicle for a few days
    Hyundaitech, Feb 9, 2007
  5. Edgar MacArthur

    Zeppo Guest

    If what Edgar is experiencing is similar to what I had in my 2005, it's not
    that easy to adapt to. The hesitation did not happen consistently, so you
    never quite knew when you would experience that slight delay in merging into
    freeway traffic. It provided a few hairy moments.

    Zeppo, Feb 9, 2007
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