Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by B.C. MALLAM, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. B.C. MALLAM

    B.C. MALLAM Guest

    I am having trouble going any were on the Hyundai Service site
    "/" with my Mac, is it not Mac ready?
    B.C. MALLAM, Jul 10, 2010
  2. B.C. MALLAM

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    You need Internet Explorer to see it. Is there a Mac version of IE?
    Ed Pawlowski, Jul 10, 2010
  3. B.C. MALLAM

    B.C. MALLAM Guest

    I guess there still is, I will check on it. Thanks
    B.C. MALLAM, Jul 10, 2010
  4. The Shop Manual and DTC sections work fine in any browser.

    TSB works in Firefox and Chrome, but not Safari.

    For the ETM section, Safari, Chrome and Firefox can render SVG
    graphics natively, but because the graphics are in <embed> tags, the
    browsers won't even try, leaving the ETM unusable - and it's more
    trouble than it's worth for most people to grab the SVG source URL and
    manually view them. I could probably write a GreaseMonkey script to
    fix that, though. If I get bored this afternoon, I might do that!

    In this day and age, it's pathetic to have a website that excludes
    users. And it would take such minor changes, too!
    Matthew Fedder, Jul 10, 2010
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