Sluggish acceleration in a 1996 Accent

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by mmcclaf, May 24, 2008.

  1. mmcclaf

    mmcclaf Guest

    I have a problem with a 96 Accent that when I go to accelerate, it
    does so, but very slowly, and once it hits a certain point (about 3500
    rpms in second gear or third gear) the car starts to decelerate. The
    O2 sensors have already been checked, along with transmission fluid.
    Anyone have any ideas what it could be? Canadian Tire has already told
    me that its not the catalytic converter. Any help would be appreciated.
    mmcclaf, May 24, 2008
  2. mmcclaf

    hyundaitech Guest

    Can you tell whether the transmission is slipping (indicated by
    significant increase in rpm on acceleration but not a similar increase i
    vehicle speed)? That's one possible scenario.

    Low fuel pressure is another possible issue.

    And, of course, a partially clogged converter or otherwise plugged exhaus
    could be the issue.
    hyundaitech, May 28, 2008
  3. mmcclaf

    lmcclaf Guest

    This was my son's post about his accent. We had tried various things
    like checking for transmission slippage, fuel pressure problems from
    either a clogged filter or a dying fuel pump, dirty MAF, converter
    blockage, etc. but nothing seemed to help. Finally found the problem
    right in front of our faces. Timing belt had jumped 2 teeth. Car was
    due for timing belt change anyway so that was carried out and
    everything is right with the world once more. Guess we should stop
    trying to make simple problems too complex lol. Thanks for your
    response Hyundaitech.

    Cheers... Lawrence
    lmcclaf, May 31, 2008
    icedog630 likes this.
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