Snow Driving

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eric G., Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Eric G.

    Eric G. Guest

    We got pounded with snow here in NJ and I got a chance (not by choice) to
    do some real driving in it. I had to do a 60 mile round-trip drive to pick
    up my son. The trip to get him was in blizzard conditions. It was snowing
    at least 2" per hour the entire time. The roads had been plowed of the
    heavy stuff, but still had at least 6" on them. Visibility was near zero.

    It's a 2006 Sonata GLS V6. I could have honestly guessed that I was
    driving an all-wheel drive car. In fact, earlier in the morning I did
    drive a 4x4 pickup on a drive to my work and home, and it was not much
    better, although this was mostly back roads and were not plowed.

    This is by far the best car I have owned for a snow event. And driving no
    more than about 30 MPH gave me 28 MPG for this trip!


    P.S. - We got 25" of snow with 5-6' drifts!! Everything around here is
    still closed today.
    Eric G., Feb 13, 2006
  2. Eric G.

    zigipha Guest

    I live in North NJ. I went out driving sunday 10 am. The roads had been
    plowed once recently but snow was still accumulating. Generally, the
    car behaved well, all my years of driving, I never got stuck,
    in the snow..ever..until about 11 am. I pulled over to go to a store
    and tried to drive away after i returned. I turned off the ESC and
    tried to rock back and forth but to no avail. Had to spend 10 minutes
    to dig the car out. First time in my life (driving geo prism, toyota
    corrola, dodge van, datsun 200 sx). I did not park in a drift; there
    was some lose snow but I used the same amount of caution as I always

    Maybe it was just my time. But I woul not compare to a 4wd.
    zigipha, Feb 13, 2006
  3. Eric G.

    Eric G. Guest

    wrote in
    Well, I certainly can't argue about what happened to you. The only time in
    my life I ever got stuck was trying to climb a mountain in a 4x4 truck in
    the blizzard of 1996. I needed a track-hoe to come get me outta that one.

    I've had a Dodge Colt, Honda Civic, Nissan Sentra, GMC 4x4 pickup, Chevy
    4x2 pickup, Ford F-150 4x2 pickup, Dodge Neon, '97, '02 and '03 Elantra's
    and now the '06 Sonata. Other than the 4x4, this is the best car I've ever
    driven in the snow. And other than the Dodge Colt, I never had snow tires
    on any vehicle.

    Eric G., Feb 13, 2006
  4. Eric G.

    mrhct Guest

    What tires are on it? My '04 came with Michelin MXV4's, they were suicide
    tires. I put on a set of Goodyear triple treads this past fall. Now I too
    can say that it's the best car I've driven in the snow.
    mrhct, Feb 13, 2006
  5. Eric G.

    Eric G. Guest

    Stock Michilin's here. I believe they are the MXV4's also. I've had
    these same tires on my Elantra's too and they are great until just about
    1/2 the tread is gone. Then they turn in grease.

    Eric G., Feb 13, 2006
  6. Eric G.

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Same experience here. Our '04 Sonata came with Michelins on it when we
    bought it used last fall. The tires were new and they've performed
    flawlessly this winter, though we really haven't had that many normal storms
    this year. Time will tell how they perform as they wear.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 14, 2006
  7. Eric G.

    Oleg Lego Guest

    The Mike Marlow entity posted thusly:
    I replaced the Michelins on my wife's '04 Elantra at about 13,000 km.
    It now sports Nokeans (Spelling?). Best all-purpose tires we've ever
    Oleg Lego, Feb 14, 2006
  8. Eric G.

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Same here. I've been quite impressed with the snow performance of the

    Matt Whiting, Feb 14, 2006
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