soft brakes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by illusion123a, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. illusion123a

    illusion123a Guest

    Sometimes my brakes seems really soft. I just had new pads put on(front
    only), is there anything else i can do to make then a little firmer. Also
    it seems that i do not always have this problem, sometmines they are a
    little more touchier then others. Unfourtenly i do not have access to the
    best hyundai service departments, and i like going in to them with a list
    of things to check out
    illusion123a, Nov 30, 2004
  2. illusion123a

    hyundaitech Guest

    If the front pads are new, they may not be seated in properly yet. Get on
    a stretch of road with no one behind you, and make several firm stops from
    about 40 MPH. This will probably help the issue.
    hyundaitech, Dec 1, 2004
  3. If that doesn't do it, the brakes may need to be bled.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 1, 2004
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