Sonata Gas Gauge

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Tom, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Has anyone had their gas gauge on their 2006 Sonata stick? Mine just did
    today at one half full... or empty...... I guess a trip to Hyundai is in
    my future. :eek:(
    Tom, Jun 5, 2006
  2. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Not as dramatically as you, but I did have a funny reading just a couple
    of weeks ago. I got to work and the gauge read just below 1/2 tank.
    When I left work that night, the gauge read about 5/8ths tank and
    dropped normally in the trip home ending up at about the 9/16ths mark.
    Then the next morning it was closer to the 3/8ths mark which is where it
    should have been given the original reading of a little below 1/2 tank.
    It had never done this before and hasn't done it since.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 6, 2006
  3. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Thanks, Matt.
    I filled it up but it stayed at half tank. As luck would have it, we leave
    tomorrow morning on a road trip!!! I guess I'll look up a dealer when we
    get to our destination. I wonder if they'll charge me the usual 'shop
    supplies', what ever they are. :eek:) They always find a way to beat the
    system, like hiding the actual markup between MSRP and Invoice pricing.

    Tom, Jun 6, 2006
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