Stuck horn!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Vineeth, May 16, 2007.

  1. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    I am sorry if this seems a bit long but I find it very bizarre & hope
    you guys can help...
    A neighbor impressed with my 06 Sonata went & picked up on 07! A day
    after he got it is when we realized the horn was not working. So he
    took it back to the dealer who gave him a loaner car & fixed it over a
    period of 3 days! God only knows what took so long!
    A week later when he is about to step out of the car in a mall parking
    lot the horn starts blaring. It is not the alarm style beep but a
    continuous long one. He was not sure what to do & a crowd gathers &
    someone banged on the horn switch & it stopped.
    A few days later in the morning around 7 ish he is pulling out of the
    parking lot at our appartment complex & had just started the car &
    engaged reverse when it starts again. This time he had to pop the hood
    & remove the fuse before it stopped.
    Then 2 days later in the middle of the night the horn starts blaring
    again. This time according to some other neighbors it started around
    3am & he heard it only around 6:30 when he went & removed the fuse.
    The dealer has reluctantly taken the car in to check it again.
    Has this happened to any of you or any clues as to why this may be
    Vineeth, May 16, 2007
  2. Vineeth

    hyundaitech Guest

    The horn wire under the horn pad is probably pinched against the metal of
    the steering wheel assembly.
    hyundaitech, May 16, 2007
  3. Vineeth

    Mike Marlow Guest

    The dealer "reluctantly" took the car back in? Is this your version of
    what's happening or is the dealer truly reluctant to perform warranty work
    on a previous repair? The latter strikes me as a little hard to believe.
    Either way, it's clearly a dealer repair issue. There could be any number
    of things wrong with the earlier work they performed and only a look at the
    car can determine what's wrong.
    Mike Marlow, May 17, 2007
  4. Vineeth

    Darby OGill Guest

    The clue seems to be right H-T says. If the first instance was
    stopped by a bang on the horn pad, it seems the trouble is there, not under
    the hood or with some relay.
    Darby OGill, May 17, 2007
  5. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    Thanks for the response hyundaitech... We just got a message from the
    service department saying they have identified the problem & that they
    will call us tomorrow to keep us updated!? Once they let us know I
    will be sure to post it here.
    Vineeth, May 17, 2007
  6. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    The guys have still not finished whatever their work is despite having
    identified the problem... The dealer was reluctant saying there is no
    problem at first, then my friend invited them to come & stay at his
    place for a few days till the next time it happens. the las time it
    occured the security guards of the community had called the towing
    guys to come tow the car away & he woke up just in time to save
    $150/ ...
    Vineeth, May 19, 2007
  7. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    Ok finally got the car yesterday evening. The explanation they gave
    sems to gel with your explanation hyundaitech! We are just keeping our
    fingers crossed hopping it is not repeated...
    Vineeth, May 21, 2007
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