Suggestions for a code reader?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by norelpref, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. norelpref

    norelpref Guest

    Does anyone have any specific suggestions or tips that I should consider
    during my search for a OBD-II code reader? My initial search of local
    parts stores shows a wide range of prices for pieces of test equipment
    that all appear to do the same thing.
    norelpref, Feb 5, 2004
  2. norelpref

    PC Guest

    I use an AutoXray, works quite well. Make sure if you do the Ebay
    thing it's a newer model (2 years old or less). I paid $200 new. They
    sell refurbished units on their web site.
    PC, Feb 5, 2004
  3. norelpref

    T Guest

    Equus Innova 3100 OBD II scanner. Got mine for $120 on ebay, search for
    "equus obd".

    It's not the most full featured in that it doesn't report extra information
    stored with codes such as air flow, engine temperature, etc, but unless you
    really know what to do with that information it isn't necessary to know it.
    It does report whether "the readiness monitors" have all run and are OK, and
    it reports all stored codes including denoting the code that caused the
    "check engine" light to turn on.

    Depends on whether you want to spend $120, or $400 for some of the nice ones
    with dot matrix displays and all the extras.

    T, Feb 5, 2004
  4. norelpref

    T Guest

    There are also software based solutions if you have a laptop. You just buy
    the software & the cable. I recall seeing these when I was looking for my
    code reader, but I don't remember any specific companies or names.

    T, Feb 5, 2004
  5. norelpref

    seahorse25 Guest

    I hope you also did an online search for OBD-II readers. Lots
    of info online. If you didn't, here are a few links to get you
    Usual disclaimers.

    seahorse25, Feb 7, 2004
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