Tiburon wont start

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by BRose, Feb 19, 2006.

  1. BRose

    BRose Guest

    I have an 03 Tiburon v6 auto. Came back to school today after a four
    hour drive from home. Car ran great the whole time. I have not had a
    problem with it since ive gotten it. Even when i got back here and
    parked it, there seemed to be nothing wrong, no idle problem or
    hesitation. After about an hour i went out to to go to work, and I
    started the car and put it in gear, then it just died. Tried it again,
    just starting, and it could cut out after a few seconds. Now, the car
    wont even start for any amount of time, just turns by the starter.
    anyone have any ideas? i was going to check if the motor was getting
    any fuel, but i dont see how. I looked for a releaf valve but didnt see
    one. please help.
    BRose, Feb 19, 2006
  2. BRose

    BRose Guest

    Figured it out, it was the fuel pump relay... replaced it with the one
    from the horn untill i can find a new one. works great.
    BRose, Feb 20, 2006
  3. BRose

    nothermark Guest

    good work! I'll try to remember that trick! ;-)
    nothermark, Feb 21, 2006
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