timing belt

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by george ross, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. george ross

    george ross Guest

    i was quoted 550$ for a timing belt change for a 2002 accent.
    is this price about right or should i look further.
    it incleded a hyundai original part water pump.
    george ross, Nov 3, 2005
  2. That seems pretty high to me, assuming that's US dollars. You should be
    able to get the entire 60K service for that price. I've done timing belt
    changes myself in less than 2 hours, so a Hyundai mechanic should be
    able to do it easily in that amount of time. The belt is pretty cheap,
    but I'm not sure what the water pump costs.
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 3, 2005
  3. george ross

    hyundaitech Guest

    At my place of employment, that would actuall be pretty cheap. Check
    around some other places near you and compare. Be sure to specify you'd
    like OE Hyundai parts used. I don't know the exact water pump price, but
    I'm guessing the entire job at my place of employment would be about $750.

    Get some word of mouth recommendations for places that do good work and
    call them. In all seriousness, you'll probably find the price
    differentials to be quite large.
    hyundaitech, Nov 3, 2005
  4. george ross

    Jody Guest

    are you sure you have to replace your water pump?
    it wassnt recommended for our '99 accent..
    any ideas on that hyuntech??
    Jody, Nov 3, 2005
  5. george ross

    hyundaitech Guest

    There is no recommended interval for the water pump. The advantage of
    doing it with the timing belt is that the additional labor charge is
    small. Doing them separately means you need to repay for all the labor
    remove the timing belt just to access the water pump.
    hyundaitech, Nov 3, 2005
  6. I've never really understood why timing belt work is so expensive. I just
    got a quote from my dealer for almost $500 for my 2001 Accent. Even if you
    were paying a mechanic $150/hr for the job, that still would not add up. Why
    does it cost so darn much?

    The last time I had a timing belt job done (at an independent shop), the
    price included replacing the accessory belts. Labor was $260, but the shop
    charged quite a bit for parts: $90 for the timing belt, and about $40 each
    for the 2 accessory belts. This was for a Toyota Camry.

    Christopher Wong, Nov 5, 2005
  7. george ross

    Paradox Guest

    Unless of course it fails before 100,000 miles or 10 years ?
    Paradox, Nov 5, 2005
  8. george ross

    hyundaitech Guest

    Correct. That's why I don't recommend replacing the water pump with the
    timing belt at 60k if you're the original owner.
    hyundaitech, Nov 5, 2005
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