
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dougcole27, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. dougcole27

    dougcole27 Guest

    I just happened to see the site for the turbonator, and I was wondering if
    anybody had any opinions about it. Does it/could it work? Is it worth it?
    Is it a scam? I am looking for a little more umph as I drive my car up
    some "hills" in Colorado. Will this help? Any advice would be great!
    dougcole27, Jul 22, 2005
  2. dougcole27

    Jody Guest

    Big scamola, dont waste your money.....
    Jody, Jul 22, 2005
  3. dougcole27

    dougcole27 Guest

    Thanks! That was easy enough!
    dougcole27, Jul 22, 2005
  4. dougcole27

    Jody Guest

    just look up on google, much more negative than positive...
    if you could simply pay 69.00 a gain 30 hp, why do people pay arm and a leg
    for turbos,exhaust kits ...
    if it was only that easy...
    ive read it actually made gas milage go down cause its taking up space in
    your air passage (blockage) and how is the supposed turbine of air supposed
    to stay in shape all way through air system,. intkae etc...
    Jody, Jul 22, 2005
  5. dougcole27

    Jody Guest

    treat her to a new air filter instead =)
    Jody, Jul 22, 2005
  6. dougcole27

    Col Guest

    I made a similar unit back in 1998 and installed it on my car and they
    do work to a certain degree on a carburated car but you do lose a lot of
    top end due to the obvious resistance created.
    the car would run out to 6500 rpm easy without it but struggled over
    5500 with it in.

    The hp increase they speak about is not peak power but low end power.

    As far as a newer injected car go I cant imagine it does anything for it
    but half block your induction and slow you down in your vehicle in top end

    save your money and pop a high flow air filter in
    (K&N http://www.knfilters.com/filtercharger.htm or similar)

    your car will thank you
    Col, Jul 22, 2005
  7. dougcole27

    dougcole27 Guest

    Thanks for all of the responses! I am a new Hyundai owner and I am still
    getting used to it!
    dougcole27, Jul 22, 2005
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