weak keyless entry-2004 Sonata LX

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Bob, Oct 1, 2005.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Lately sometimes when I hit the unlock button on the keyless entry
    remote, I hear only a weak "thunk" and the doors remain locked. Normally
    there's a loud "Thunk" and the doors are unlocked. I tried the other new
    unused remote and it acts the same. Trip to Hyundai dealer? new remote
    Bob, Oct 1, 2005
  2. If you hear the locks as you do, it indicates that the remote is working
    fine. It's only a transmitter and the car either receives the signal or
    it doesn't. If you press the unlock button more than once, as necessary
    to unlock all the doors, do any of them unlock? If not, The problem may
    be the battery in the car or a bad electrical connection or ground. If
    only the driver's door fails to unlock, it's likely the actuator in that
    Brian Nystrom, Oct 1, 2005
  3. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Thanks Brian. Your logic makes sense that the remote itself is good. My
    remote doesn't work that way, it unlocks all the doors when you press it
    once. Where is the receiver located in the car? Guess I could check
    for bad grounds, etc.
    Bob, Oct 1, 2005
  4. The issue isn't likely to be the receiver either, since you can hear the
    doors attempting to unlock. If there's a bad power or ground connection,
    it must be in the actuating system. Since none of the doors unlock, it
    seems like it must be a main connection of some sort or perhaps a bad
    relay. You can view the electrical diagrams of the system on Hyundai's
    WebTech site: http://www.hmaservice.com
    Brian Nystrom, Oct 2, 2005
  5. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Thanks for the good advice on troubleshooting my intermittent "weak"
    keyless entry. It's been working normally for a few days now so I guess
    maybe it fixed itself...for a while anyway. If it acts up again I'll
    check some of the things you suggested.
    Bob, Oct 6, 2005
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