Wiper blade refill for Sonata

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by BillyGoat, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. BillyGoat

    BillyGoat Guest

    I had been looking for a wiper blade refill for the drivers side of my 2003
    Sonata for a few months. The book and all computers say it needs a 22 inch
    blade, and I know from experience that it must be narrow. . Its impossible
    to find a 22 inch narrow refill. I must have bought and returned a half
    dozen in my quest. Finally the other day I was in Advance Auto and found a
    21 inch narrow refill. On the back of the plastic pack was a inch ruler
    imprinted and I saw that the blade was really 21 and a half inches long. So
    I decided to see if it would work. When I put it up to the OEM blade, it
    was exactly the same length. They lie!! The OEM blade is 21 and half, not
    22. So save yourself a lot of time and trouble and just buy the 21 1/2 inch
    Yes, I know that I could have replaced the entire blade assemble but those
    are all bigger and bulkier that I like the looks of.
    P.S. I had also earlier found a 21 and half inch refill, but it was not
    BillyGoat, Aug 19, 2005
  2. BillyGoat

    Jim Wasiura Guest

    Go measure a 2 by 4.
    Jim Wasiura, Aug 22, 2005
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