94 Excel broken window winder

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bicter, May 21, 2006.

  1. bicter

    bicter Guest

    Hi, I have a 94 Excel where the window winder spins freely and the
    window is stuck in the up position. This is the second to break, the
    other is a rear window that never needs to be opened however this time
    it's the driver side door. I have removed the cover panel but cant
    remove the winding mechanism as the window needs to be down for me to
    do this"according to the manual"
    Given that this is the second winder to break on this car can anyone
    tell me how to fix them or tell me if this is a known issue that
    hyundai "might" fix under warranty?

    bicter, May 21, 2006
  2. Forget about warranty. My '94 Excel required periodic lubrication to
    keep the windows moving. If you haven't done that, it may be the cause
    of the failure. Hit a local junkyard for the necessary parts and you can
    fix it inexpensively.
    Brian Nystrom, May 21, 2006
  3. bicter

    Mike Marlow Guest

    I suspect you're out of luck on the warranty hope Terry. Nobody's going to
    warranty a 12 year old car.
    Mike Marlow, May 21, 2006
  4. bicter

    bicter Guest

    Thanks for the replies.
    The problem I have is that the window is stuck in the up position, to
    replace the mechanism according to the manual, it has to be in the down
    position. I was hoping that someone could advise the best method for
    fixing it. The question re the warranty was more in the hope that if it
    was a known defect, there may be a mod kit or similar that is used to
    repair when broken.
    Can anyone advise how to fix the winder?
    bicter, May 21, 2006
  5. Without knowing what is broken, there's no way to tell you how to fix
    it. If you go to hmaservice.com and set up an account (it's free), you
    can access online manuals for Hyundai cars at no charge. I just checked
    and the '94 Excel manual is online, and there is a full breakdown of the
    window mechanism under "Body (Interior and Exterior)...Front Door.
    Brian Nystrom, May 22, 2006
  6. bicter

    hyundaitech Guest

    You're pretty much going to have to mess around with it until you can get
    everything loose.

    Presuming the regulator is stripped and not the handle, you may be able to
    manually lower the glass by pushing it down. If not, you may be able to
    get your arm inside and unbolt the window from the regulator while it's up
    in the door. Be prepared for nasty scrapes if you're doing this. Or, you
    could try to unbolt the regulator from the door and move everything to a
    position more friendly for removing the window from the regulator.
    hyundaitech, May 22, 2006
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